Way back in 1988 I had Republican friends who voted in the Texas Democratic primary for Jesse Jackson, just to embarrass democrats. I took it to the next level by voting for Lyndon LaRouche in said primary, even though LaRouche was a Trotskyite turned New Deal Democrat. (In the general election I voted for Ron Paul, the Libertarian candidate.)
A decade and a half later, more or less, I paid for my naughtiness. I was trying to make the case for the Libertarian Party to a bunch of angry hillbillies, when one of them said that the Libertarian Party was the party of Lyndon LaRouche. I tried to explain that LaRouche hated Libertarians and actually called himself a Democrat. I was called stupid in response -- by someone who was 60 IQ points my junior..
My experience was not unique. Reality is really, really big -- bigger than a human brain. The human brain compresses this vast information, but not without artifacts. Poetry is built into our hard wiring as both mnemonic and evidence of conscious effort to remember. Libertarian and LaRouche both begin with L and both are associated with third party campaigns, even if said campaigns were for opposing ideologies.
The Lion and the Lamb also alliterate, and they show up in the same prophecy. Swapping yearling calf with lamb in a neighboring verse is three orders of magnitude less erroneous than calling Lyndon LaRouche a Libertarian.
For what it's worth, I distinctly remember my mother voting for Lyndon LaRouche as a Libertarian. So the confusion, or Mandela, or whatever, is widespread.
The fact that my mother voted Libertarian is a topic for another day!
Well, I'll be damned... I also remember cornucopia a s the Fruit of the Loom logo. following the bible link it was a lion to me too! Better yet: google "Isaiah 11:6" and click images...
C3PO now has a silver lower right leg. I even checked the footage of A New Hope, there it is...not a chance that was the case when originally aired and perhaps even a few years ago. A google search shows plenty of conflicting images. Old toys, no silver leg....weird
I had a model of C3PO, came out contemporaneous with the film. It was a glue together model. As a kid, I didn't know why the lower leg was not gold like the rest. So, I had seen star wars original run and many times after. Never saw the silver lower leg. But I had a model at time I assumed was a manufacturing defect.
That said, Berenstein and the Mister Rogers theme clearly were tachyon-induced.
Consider also some of the relative rules governing what passes for reality, as observed, within a given true Mandela Effect manifestation (i.e. not merely someone thinking a word is spelled a certain way because they have always been bad at spelling):
First: The past event, and any persistent records of that event, are altered.
Example: In the 1930 Laurel & Hardy film, "Another Fine Mess," Stan Laurel continually screws things up, causing Oliver Hardy to exclaim: "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."
Second: The past event is remembered differently on a mass scale as a shadow cast by the original.
Example: When I showed the "nice mess" quote to my sharp-as-a-tack 90 year old grandfather, he immediately corrected me: "No, that's wrong. They always said, 'Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into.' That was their catch phrase."
Third: The persistence of granular inconsistencies reinforce the shadow memories. This includes the unaltered records of works or events derived from or referencing the original event.
Example: In Scooby Doo, Season 1, Episode 10 "The Ghost of Bigfoot" (aired November 11, 1972), Laurel crashes their car, and Hardy exclaims: "Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into."
Example: The title of the movie remains "Another Fine Mess."
Another example: If Dolly never had braces in Moonraker, the whole joke makes no sense. When audiences first saw the towering character Jaws grin his metallic grin at Dolly, and then watched as she smiled back with an equally chrome grill, they burst out laughing. That was the joke: he had metal teeth and she had braces; it was love at first bite! <Knee slapping intensifies>.
Incidentally, I have a shrink-wrapped VHS tape from 1992 for "Another Fine Mess" as a future test on a hunch. This would be a non-digital medium, sealed since 1992 (no one could retroactively falsify this using conventional means). If the catchphrase is "another fine mess" on the VHS, it would imply that digital or online records are being retroactively falsified as some kind of gaslighting effort, but not that CERN has anything to do with it. If, however, the quote remains "another nice mess," then we are back to the Mandela Effect again. I haven't touched the tape yet.
So we have the past event and any true records of that event being altered (another example would be Sally Field(s)'s "You like me. You really, really like me" Oscar acceptance speech) retroactively. However, not only do our memories persist, but unaltered records of derivative works persist, and reinforce the memories rather than contradict them (in this case, satirical derivatives from Saturday Night Live, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and others).
Another example could be the passage from the Biblical book of Isaiah (11:6), remembered by many Christians as "the Lion shall dwell with (or lay down with, depending on the version) the Lamb" but now written as "the Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb." All Bible passages reference the latter.
For clues, derivative records (unaltered and representative of true memories), seem to abound. Every Catholic grandmother at one point has had a painting hanging up with a lion and lamb laying down together with some inspirational quote next to a picture of Pope John Paul II, or has sent this to someone as a card. I have never seen an image of a wolf and a lamb laying down together - it has always been a lion, to the point of being a sentimental cliche. Many contemporary devotional quote memes created since the shift have the "wolf" wording, but retain the imagery of the lion, and not the wolf, with the lamb.
As for derivatives, for this we have to rely on famous quotes and theological explanations, some going back centuries, in addition to imagery (which could merely be artistic license).
D.H. Lawrence: "The lion shall never lie down with the lamb. The lion eternally shall devour the lamb, the lamb eternally shall be devoured..."
Aldous Huxley: "The lion will lay down with the lamb... but every morning they'll have to provide a new lamb. Maybe this world is another planet's hell."
Woody Allen: "And the lion will lay down with the lamb, but the lamb won't get much sleep..."
Lutheran theologian Emanuel Swendonborg (1688-1772) wrote of the spiritual meaning of the wolf in the Bible, mentioning common passages (Matthew 7:15 - the "beware false prophets" passage, John 10:12, Luke 10:3; Jer. 5:6; Ezek. 22:27; Zeph. 3:3) but not Isaiah 11:6. Neither does he mention the passage when discussing lions, but he references it directly when discussing the lamb, and quotes it as, "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb...". So there it is from a theologian: most people don't read the Bible that closely, or only think they do.
Perhaps in this case, in order to verify that derivative works - or memories - hold true, we should consider that quips from modern agnostic post-Christians, agnostic futurists, and agnostic Jews - despite grandma's holiday placemats depicting a lion - probably don't carry the same weight as a 17th century Swedish theologian when it comes to accurate readings from the scripture. In fact, they may have all had an active role in potential gaslighting.
In a world that presents four or more competing options for reality, it's important to uncover the rules at play with how these events seem to manifest first, before overlaying those rules against our own observations. Otherwise, the rabbit hole will go deeper without ever giving us any answers.
Great comment. The existence of derivative works (which I only alluded to, in the BBC link about Jaws) is to my mind the best evidence that something weird is going on that isn't just false memory.
It is an interesting issue. I wore Fruit of the Loom with the cornucopia. It may be that the company had a short lived logo change and then went back to the older logo and the records are poor.
Of course, everything in our world today is propaganda, so maybe the Mandela Effect is entirely a program designed to make us question our reality.....
If you want to check a Mandela effect where false memory is an exceedingly implausible explanation, look into changing of wineskins to wine bottles in Bibles that have already been printed for decades. Wine bottles makes absolutely no sense at that time, nor does it make sense in the context of the need to put new wine in new wineskins.
I distinctly remember Mandela getting out of jail. In about 1990, I was ten. It was a must see event, hyped up by the media as the second coming. Do these people who remember Mandela dying remember him getting out of jail? How is that one squared? You would have to have been living in a cave or have no TV or radio in 1990 not to remember that.
I think this is a case of false belief rather than false memory. A few months ago, I overheard 2 American tourists in an Irish pub talking about irish music. One of them said the fields of athenry was written in the 1800s . I had to lean over and interrupt. Yes the song sounds like a very old song but in fact the songwriter died only a few weeks ago. They looked puzzled.
The dolly thing is peculiar because that was the punchline of that scene. Somebody either altered an old tape or was there 2 different versions of that scene recorded and the one we are left with is the second version without the braces?
I'm with you. I've never had any false beliefs or memories about Mandela and was really surprised to discover that was the start of this whole phenomenon.
But Dolly... Dolly really freaks me out. Miles Mathis (link below) claims it was edited/altered. But we know the truth. Tachyons.
> Do these people who remember Mandela dying remember him getting out of jail?
No. I remember hearing on the radio as a kid in I think 1988 or 1989 that he had died, asking about who he was, and maybe a few days later seeing a bit on the evening news about a funeral and people mourning his death around the world. Some bits through the 90s about his legacy as a martyr, and how it was affecting politics in South Africa and anti-colonial movements.
Imagine my surprise when I heard he died again in 2013, having been the president of South Africa and generally very much alive and influential in the meanwhile.
Well, Westerners will be directly "experimented" upon by their coming Eurasian masters with regard to these matters (i.e. altering the past and subsequent causal chains most relevant to said past), so the truth (or lack thereof) of said hypothesis will be directly *experienced* by said chattel.
Of course, either the chattel will not remember anything relevant (if the Mandela thesis is sound) or thoughts, thinking, memory, etc all become moot (if the Mandela thesis is unsound).
This is because in the latter case (whereby alterations to the past and the subsequent causal chains *do not* significantly tamper with collective memories), you'll just get genocide at the genetic level; eliminating entire peoples, races via excising out the genetic material directly.
For it is quite natural for the victorious Eurasian powers to quickly come to the conclusion that if the "collective consciousness" cannot be altered... it could simply be removed from the picture.
Thinking, memory, etc will either not "be" at all (a la being removed from the genetic pool), or it will be a Chung Kuo type situation whereby all the mythology, history, etc that one is surrounded by does not go beyond that particular confine of (in the case of Chung Kuo) Sinocentrism.
It's a "Rape of Nanking", except global in scope (involving all the defeated Western Powers) and rendering the defeated the lowly status of 'genetic material to be toyed around with'.
So in a sense you're not *really* remembering the other timeline, you're just retrocausally implanted with a false memory of the original timeline that was retrocausally erased, because it's the most parsimonious way to produce a new coherent timeline given the changed event.
IOW Dolly never wore braces in the amended timeline, and you never witnessed Dolly's braces, but you and millions of others who were impacted by this event had to be reconciled with a timeline in which the LHC emitted the tachyons that changed it.
But then, here's the kicker, why couldn't the amended timeline play out with you being a monk? Many other people saw the movie and remember the (retconned) no-braces version. Remember the only critical requirement here is that the LHC emits some tachyons that produce the amended timeline. *All the other versions* of possible events that have no impact on that emission of tachyons are permissible. The reason you had to remember Dolly-with-braces, while other people did not, is that your not having remembered it would have produced a paradoxical timeline. So I'd like to congratulate you for your contribution to the development of the LHC.
Maybe instead of the history of our universe being changed, it's just memories leaking over from alternate versions of ourselves in other realities. There are people who actually believe that it's possible to transfer your consciousness over to an alternate you, in an alternate reality, who has a better life outcome. Aside from the implicit immorality of this idea; I mean, what happens to the original consciousness of the person you displace? There also the possibility that, if memory is bio-chemical in nature, than after the transfer you wouldn't think of yourself as having transferred because you would have mostly only the memories of the host body you invaded.
Way back in 1988 I had Republican friends who voted in the Texas Democratic primary for Jesse Jackson, just to embarrass democrats. I took it to the next level by voting for Lyndon LaRouche in said primary, even though LaRouche was a Trotskyite turned New Deal Democrat. (In the general election I voted for Ron Paul, the Libertarian candidate.)
A decade and a half later, more or less, I paid for my naughtiness. I was trying to make the case for the Libertarian Party to a bunch of angry hillbillies, when one of them said that the Libertarian Party was the party of Lyndon LaRouche. I tried to explain that LaRouche hated Libertarians and actually called himself a Democrat. I was called stupid in response -- by someone who was 60 IQ points my junior..
My experience was not unique. Reality is really, really big -- bigger than a human brain. The human brain compresses this vast information, but not without artifacts. Poetry is built into our hard wiring as both mnemonic and evidence of conscious effort to remember. Libertarian and LaRouche both begin with L and both are associated with third party campaigns, even if said campaigns were for opposing ideologies.
The Lion and the Lamb also alliterate, and they show up in the same prophecy. Swapping yearling calf with lamb in a neighboring verse is three orders of magnitude less erroneous than calling Lyndon LaRouche a Libertarian.
For what it's worth, I distinctly remember my mother voting for Lyndon LaRouche as a Libertarian. So the confusion, or Mandela, or whatever, is widespread.
The fact that my mother voted Libertarian is a topic for another day!
I hate this worldline. I very clearly remember being a sexual dynamo, but my tachyon influenced ex-girlfriends remember the EXACT opposite.
We know the truth, at least.
Well, I'll be damned... I also remember cornucopia a s the Fruit of the Loom logo. following the bible link it was a lion to me too! Better yet: google "Isaiah 11:6" and click images...
There's even been satirical parodies of the Fruit of the Loom logo with its cornucopia. It's so strange!
C3PO now has a silver lower right leg. I even checked the footage of A New Hope, there it is...not a chance that was the case when originally aired and perhaps even a few years ago. A google search shows plenty of conflicting images. Old toys, no silver leg....weird
That's a good one.
I had a model of C3PO, came out contemporaneous with the film. It was a glue together model. As a kid, I didn't know why the lower leg was not gold like the rest. So, I had seen star wars original run and many times after. Never saw the silver lower leg. But I had a model at time I assumed was a manufacturing defect.
That said, Berenstein and the Mister Rogers theme clearly were tachyon-induced.
Consider also some of the relative rules governing what passes for reality, as observed, within a given true Mandela Effect manifestation (i.e. not merely someone thinking a word is spelled a certain way because they have always been bad at spelling):
First: The past event, and any persistent records of that event, are altered.
Example: In the 1930 Laurel & Hardy film, "Another Fine Mess," Stan Laurel continually screws things up, causing Oliver Hardy to exclaim: "Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into."
Second: The past event is remembered differently on a mass scale as a shadow cast by the original.
Example: When I showed the "nice mess" quote to my sharp-as-a-tack 90 year old grandfather, he immediately corrected me: "No, that's wrong. They always said, 'Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into.' That was their catch phrase."
Third: The persistence of granular inconsistencies reinforce the shadow memories. This includes the unaltered records of works or events derived from or referencing the original event.
Example: In Scooby Doo, Season 1, Episode 10 "The Ghost of Bigfoot" (aired November 11, 1972), Laurel crashes their car, and Hardy exclaims: "Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into."
Fourth: Glaring logical inconsistencies reveal potential signs of Mandela Effect impact.
Example: The title of the movie remains "Another Fine Mess."
Another example: If Dolly never had braces in Moonraker, the whole joke makes no sense. When audiences first saw the towering character Jaws grin his metallic grin at Dolly, and then watched as she smiled back with an equally chrome grill, they burst out laughing. That was the joke: he had metal teeth and she had braces; it was love at first bite! <Knee slapping intensifies>.
Incidentally, I have a shrink-wrapped VHS tape from 1992 for "Another Fine Mess" as a future test on a hunch. This would be a non-digital medium, sealed since 1992 (no one could retroactively falsify this using conventional means). If the catchphrase is "another fine mess" on the VHS, it would imply that digital or online records are being retroactively falsified as some kind of gaslighting effort, but not that CERN has anything to do with it. If, however, the quote remains "another nice mess," then we are back to the Mandela Effect again. I haven't touched the tape yet.
So we have the past event and any true records of that event being altered (another example would be Sally Field(s)'s "You like me. You really, really like me" Oscar acceptance speech) retroactively. However, not only do our memories persist, but unaltered records of derivative works persist, and reinforce the memories rather than contradict them (in this case, satirical derivatives from Saturday Night Live, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and others).
Another example could be the passage from the Biblical book of Isaiah (11:6), remembered by many Christians as "the Lion shall dwell with (or lay down with, depending on the version) the Lamb" but now written as "the Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb." All Bible passages reference the latter.
For clues, derivative records (unaltered and representative of true memories), seem to abound. Every Catholic grandmother at one point has had a painting hanging up with a lion and lamb laying down together with some inspirational quote next to a picture of Pope John Paul II, or has sent this to someone as a card. I have never seen an image of a wolf and a lamb laying down together - it has always been a lion, to the point of being a sentimental cliche. Many contemporary devotional quote memes created since the shift have the "wolf" wording, but retain the imagery of the lion, and not the wolf, with the lamb.
As for derivatives, for this we have to rely on famous quotes and theological explanations, some going back centuries, in addition to imagery (which could merely be artistic license).
D.H. Lawrence: "The lion shall never lie down with the lamb. The lion eternally shall devour the lamb, the lamb eternally shall be devoured..."
Aldous Huxley: "The lion will lay down with the lamb... but every morning they'll have to provide a new lamb. Maybe this world is another planet's hell."
Woody Allen: "And the lion will lay down with the lamb, but the lamb won't get much sleep..."
Lutheran theologian Emanuel Swendonborg (1688-1772) wrote of the spiritual meaning of the wolf in the Bible, mentioning common passages (Matthew 7:15 - the "beware false prophets" passage, John 10:12, Luke 10:3; Jer. 5:6; Ezek. 22:27; Zeph. 3:3) but not Isaiah 11:6. Neither does he mention the passage when discussing lions, but he references it directly when discussing the lamb, and quotes it as, "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb...". So there it is from a theologian: most people don't read the Bible that closely, or only think they do.
Perhaps in this case, in order to verify that derivative works - or memories - hold true, we should consider that quips from modern agnostic post-Christians, agnostic futurists, and agnostic Jews - despite grandma's holiday placemats depicting a lion - probably don't carry the same weight as a 17th century Swedish theologian when it comes to accurate readings from the scripture. In fact, they may have all had an active role in potential gaslighting.
In a world that presents four or more competing options for reality, it's important to uncover the rules at play with how these events seem to manifest first, before overlaying those rules against our own observations. Otherwise, the rabbit hole will go deeper without ever giving us any answers.
Great comment. The existence of derivative works (which I only alluded to, in the BBC link about Jaws) is to my mind the best evidence that something weird is going on that isn't just false memory.
It is an interesting issue. I wore Fruit of the Loom with the cornucopia. It may be that the company had a short lived logo change and then went back to the older logo and the records are poor.
Of course, everything in our world today is propaganda, so maybe the Mandela Effect is entirely a program designed to make us question our reality.....
Right? It seems impossible there was never a cornucopia... madness!
If you want to check a Mandela effect where false memory is an exceedingly implausible explanation, look into changing of wineskins to wine bottles in Bibles that have already been printed for decades. Wine bottles makes absolutely no sense at that time, nor does it make sense in the context of the need to put new wine in new wineskins.
I distinctly remember Mandela getting out of jail. In about 1990, I was ten. It was a must see event, hyped up by the media as the second coming. Do these people who remember Mandela dying remember him getting out of jail? How is that one squared? You would have to have been living in a cave or have no TV or radio in 1990 not to remember that.
I think this is a case of false belief rather than false memory. A few months ago, I overheard 2 American tourists in an Irish pub talking about irish music. One of them said the fields of athenry was written in the 1800s . I had to lean over and interrupt. Yes the song sounds like a very old song but in fact the songwriter died only a few weeks ago. They looked puzzled.
The dolly thing is peculiar because that was the punchline of that scene. Somebody either altered an old tape or was there 2 different versions of that scene recorded and the one we are left with is the second version without the braces?
I'm with you. I've never had any false beliefs or memories about Mandela and was really surprised to discover that was the start of this whole phenomenon.
But Dolly... Dolly really freaks me out. Miles Mathis (link below) claims it was edited/altered. But we know the truth. Tachyons.
> Do these people who remember Mandela dying remember him getting out of jail?
No. I remember hearing on the radio as a kid in I think 1988 or 1989 that he had died, asking about who he was, and maybe a few days later seeing a bit on the evening news about a funeral and people mourning his death around the world. Some bits through the 90s about his legacy as a martyr, and how it was affecting politics in South Africa and anti-colonial movements.
Imagine my surprise when I heard he died again in 2013, having been the president of South Africa and generally very much alive and influential in the meanwhile.
In the case of Dollys braces:
Looks like video editing and mass replacement is a viable explanation.
Miles has a PhD in conspiracy theorizing. I am but a learner.
This sounds like part of the plot line from “anathem” by Neal Stephenson.
Yes. It's actually something I worked up as part of the plot line of Ascendant!
Well, Westerners will be directly "experimented" upon by their coming Eurasian masters with regard to these matters (i.e. altering the past and subsequent causal chains most relevant to said past), so the truth (or lack thereof) of said hypothesis will be directly *experienced* by said chattel.
Of course, either the chattel will not remember anything relevant (if the Mandela thesis is sound) or thoughts, thinking, memory, etc all become moot (if the Mandela thesis is unsound).
This is because in the latter case (whereby alterations to the past and the subsequent causal chains *do not* significantly tamper with collective memories), you'll just get genocide at the genetic level; eliminating entire peoples, races via excising out the genetic material directly.
For it is quite natural for the victorious Eurasian powers to quickly come to the conclusion that if the "collective consciousness" cannot be altered... it could simply be removed from the picture.
Thinking, memory, etc will either not "be" at all (a la being removed from the genetic pool), or it will be a Chung Kuo type situation whereby all the mythology, history, etc that one is surrounded by does not go beyond that particular confine of (in the case of Chung Kuo) Sinocentrism.
It's a "Rape of Nanking", except global in scope (involving all the defeated Western Powers) and rendering the defeated the lowly status of 'genetic material to be toyed around with'.
So in a sense you're not *really* remembering the other timeline, you're just retrocausally implanted with a false memory of the original timeline that was retrocausally erased, because it's the most parsimonious way to produce a new coherent timeline given the changed event.
IOW Dolly never wore braces in the amended timeline, and you never witnessed Dolly's braces, but you and millions of others who were impacted by this event had to be reconciled with a timeline in which the LHC emitted the tachyons that changed it.
But then, here's the kicker, why couldn't the amended timeline play out with you being a monk? Many other people saw the movie and remember the (retconned) no-braces version. Remember the only critical requirement here is that the LHC emits some tachyons that produce the amended timeline. *All the other versions* of possible events that have no impact on that emission of tachyons are permissible. The reason you had to remember Dolly-with-braces, while other people did not, is that your not having remembered it would have produced a paradoxical timeline. So I'd like to congratulate you for your contribution to the development of the LHC.
Maybe instead of the history of our universe being changed, it's just memories leaking over from alternate versions of ourselves in other realities. There are people who actually believe that it's possible to transfer your consciousness over to an alternate you, in an alternate reality, who has a better life outcome. Aside from the implicit immorality of this idea; I mean, what happens to the original consciousness of the person you displace? There also the possibility that, if memory is bio-chemical in nature, than after the transfer you wouldn't think of yourself as having transferred because you would have mostly only the memories of the host body you invaded.
So, what's the reason we don't all share the memories? Why do only some people remember Mandela dying?