Just the right level of Doom Calories to satiate the Pallet; Umami, with a tinge of Salt & Spice.
One of the the legacies of the "Long March through the Institutions" is that for many youth, they have had their primary ideas, cultures, etc so thoroughly deconstructed... that they merely run around with anti-Western sentiment, sans anything meaningful to replace &/or counteract it.
Ask them (point blank) "What do you believe in?" & they can rarely throw together a coherent sentence. What they can tell you however is (paraphrased from most conversations): "I don't know what I stand for... but I stand AGAINST the West & want to burn it down".
In other words, Nemesis is here & likely to stay in the foreseeable future. Being the Twin to Lady Justice & without the Blindfold, Lady Nemesis pursues Vengeance without end. It is precisely because She is *partial* & emotive that this occurs (as opposed to her more Demure Sister).
The Hubris of the "Wokesters" have deraccinated the youngsters & have made Nemesis inevitable. All that remains is the Carnage followed by the Demon Invasions.
Being 96% negative has been a Marxist rhetorical tactic going back to Marx himself. Spend nearly all your efforts criticizing and be vague as all getout on what you want to replace it with. NEVER summarize. Refer your debate opponent to a tome of enormous gibberish.
I spent many an hour debating the lefties when in college. The Russian/Soviet history professor hosted a weekly salon at his house for such discussions. The professor himself was incredibly adept at making me defend my position while never defining his own.
One of the funnier moments in history was the breakup of the communist/socialists if Germany as WWI broke out, with almost all of them throwing off the international worker rhetoric to opt to fight for Germany. The rift that followed was priceless. When power was eventually handed over to the SPD who immediately informed everyone that democracy did in fact mean the dictatorship of the proletariat which caused the Nazis and communists to ally against them for a period of time.
My first guess as to the means of destruction is the Great Reset - which is basically to say, AI-driven environmentalism. In the name of the great carbon goddess they will virtuously strip-mine the prosperity of the West, driving its inhabitants into peonage even as they further enrich themselves due to their ability to tax the air. The demographic destruction of the West will be accomplished by means of vastly increased migration from the third world, justified not on the basis of muh economy but because they are climate refugees fleeing a warming planet. Meanwhile Westmen will be dissuaded from reproducing, and rendered weak and passive by means of a plant-based diet, again all in the name of saving the world from cow farts.
Once worker solidarity failed in WW1, the national socialists observed the failure of class solidarity, positing a truer solidarity—for them <i>racial</i> solidarity. That this solidarity—“Italian” or “Aryan” or “Rumanian” was also garbage like class solidarity mattered not. Like class solidarity it had a lot of political power and was almost as wasteful and destructive of human life as international socialism. The Neo-Marxist “Gramscian” solution (note Gramsci, imprisoned by fascists personally the felt the power of “racial” solidarity) fused the hatreds of both Leninist and—to be frank—Hitlerian solutions: race hatred and class hatred will deliver the political power that either independently was unable to provide.
And it has. Every whacky hatred: of religion (the opiate of the masses), of whites (the cancer of history), of bourgeoise (the terrible oppressor class), of the human race (disgusting breeders misgendering the true people) has fused to create the Neo-Marxist insanity which now governs most of the world.
Wow! Margoth's Review posted a great piece earlier today about (essentially) the art of writing a good essay, and this essay (like so many of the ones you write) perfectly instantiate all the principles he articulated. I know I should comment on the content of the essay itself, since the infection of our culture with the psychotic pathologies of neo-Marxism is a subject I brood over a lot, but your analysis, synthesis, and writing -- the way you trace crucially important threads through their historical development and then tie them together in a way that explains so much of what we see in our culture today -- are all truly expertly done!
Accusations give an insight into the mind of the accuser. Projection, if you will. Only a foreigner of non-European origin could perceive “white” people to be a problem, because whites are steeped in whiteness as fish in water and tend to classify one another according to other taxonomies. Likewise, straightness can only be perceived as a problem trait by individuals of other persuasions. Masculinity is enjoyed by nearly half of humanity, but never to its fullest extent by those city-dwellers who do not apply masculine strength and courage in their daily lives. Christians can’t get along with one another at the best of times due to the proliferation of denominations but would hardly say that Christianity itself is at fault. Through this process of elimination, we can narrow down the pool of individuals from whence neo-everything springs.
One of the best things that came out of the GamerGate movement of mid to late 2014, was the #notyourshield sub-group. As many, many 'diverse' Gamers were every bit as irritated with the lies being told by Game Journalists as the 'White Misogynist' Gamers who were being portrayed as the Villain, were. While the Cultural Marxists behind the Anti-GG'ers could Uncle Tom *individuals* who were outside their victimhood framework, #notyourshield was big enough to make the lie that White Male Gamers were ostracizing everyone else all but obvious.
Sadly, though, precisely because of their individual nature, and not fully understanding the threat (I.E. it was Cultural Marxists, instead of just Game Journalists) unifying the larger group of Gamers was like Herding Cats. So, while Videogamers fought back harder than any other Fan Group, they ultimately lost. At least for the present.
I have long thought that a second iteration of #notyourshield would be one of the most powerful & effective social groups, should it arise. I am somewhat puzzled it hasn't happened yet.
Speaking of Entertainment Media though, one of the best explanations of why the Marxist-Synthesis is not working as intended (Well... maybe... 'Deceiving and BEING Deceived' is the name of the game... ) would be that the strength of Western Culture isn't *quite* what the Cultural Marxists thought it was.
That best example is the 1980 film, "The Gods Must be Crazy", or rather, not the film ITSELF, but an interview given by the Farmer/Actor Nǃxau ǂToma, who played the main character. The Film itself is definitely proto-woke. Telling the viewer that the Modern Western World is insane and we should all go back to being Hunter-Gatherers. HOWEVER, Toma said that itself was insanity. The life he & his tribe lived was incredibly dangerous and difficult and to not live on the edge of disaster and starvation is something any sane person would want.
To me, this means that it isn't (or isn't just) being White/Male/Blah/Blah/Blah, that has held the West together so well. The technology that has allowed life to not be such a hardscrabble struggle is a major, major part of it.
Now, the CM's are clever little monkies, I'll give them that. Over time, they did learn this. I personally believe its why 'Rap Culture' (Notice I did not say BLACK Culture) exists. It is an artificial culture, designed exactly like Feminism, for the sole purpose of tearing down some of the Stable Pillars of the West.
This has gone on to other areas, and to a degree this 'Fake Victimhood' is seen and known by some. But not widely enough. It's why another #notyourshield would be so effective in punching through that lie that we White Males live only to oppress anyone who isn't.
All very good, but there's also the problem that capitalism qua capitalism, itself itself, is a revolutionary materialist ideology of commercial transvalutation of the cosmos and alchemical reduction of persons of blood, race, relgion, and family into deracinated individuals.
Another aspect here is that merchants/corporations are institutionally spinless, in the sense that getting into long protracted fights is generally not profitable, even if you are right. Thus merchants will always at least play lip service to whichever ideology is the most dangerous to cross.
I agree with that. But what history has shown is that people who pay lip service to something long enough come to believe it. That's how propaganda works. You become who you pretend to be. The Ancient Greeks had a cool quote about this that escapes me, so please pretend I remembered it and ended this on a profound note of authority from antiquity.
That is Aristotle - the basics of Virtue ethics, is that Virtue is the proper disposition towards something. eg Courage is the proper disposition towards fearful things (neither foolhardy nor cowardly). He argued that Virtue was habit, and that by practicing it one could become more Virtuous by following the guide ons of society. Our guide ons are overdosing felons, porn stars, politicians, and so forth. No saints, heroes or Christ.
"The long march through the institutions by the Neo-Marxists was intended to seize control of the memes of production in order to bring about a communist revolution.")
_Maoism_ . . . which was AFTER the (Chinese) revolution rather than a means to that end. It didn't work terribly well but it did remove a hell of a lot of wrong-thinkers. This _is_ certainly what the modern 'Left' are aiming to do, but the similarity of technique does not make them Maoist, Marxist, or whatever.
Call a Neo-Marxist Jewish, Communist, Neo-Liberal...it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Neo-Marxist and you will be astonished at how he calls you a conspiracy theorist. "I've been found out!"
Regarding this ... "Therefore, the Neo-Marxists concluded, they had to circumvent the co-opted straight white male Christian working class and create a new body of potential revolutionaries among those outside of the mainstream: blacks, women, gays, religious minorities, and other groups. From these marginalized non-straight, non-white, non-masculine, and non-Christian groups of society, the true vanguard of the revolution would arise."
Nut graf: "So again, the genius of Leninism was in building a ruling class from scratch and making it cohesive by explicitly choosing people from low-status groups, ensuring they would be loyal to the party given they had much to lose. It worked so well it was the marvel of the intellectual classes of the whole world for a hundred years."
The link doesn't work. Who are you citing? Building a ruling class from scratch... who has ever tried outside of USSR and China, maybe Cuba and one or two others? In the Anglosphere the same family dynasties rule, for the most part, as they have for centuries. A small fraction was wiped out by Madame Guillotine but this was akin to some radical pruning. Somewhat more radical steps would be needed before one could start again. For a contemporary example take a look at what Satanyahoo is doing in Palestine. Is he a BioLeninist? Is sterilising the population via fake vaccines (if that is actually happening) a less bloodthirsty means to that end?
And this is a self perpetuating system. Individuals matter not, there are merely managerial slots, drones and Owners, these neo-pharoahs, floating at the top of the cistern (sic). People don't kill people, systems kill people.
Very interesting. However I will quibble on one point: the idea that there is something new about rich Marxist capitalists. Gary Allen advanced the theory that Marxism was the product of robber baron descendants, intent on creating a socialist dictatorship that they controlled.
I will neither endorse or refute his thesis. I will say that Mr. Allen had a lot of data points to support his thesis.
From where did those data points come? Guilt at being so rich? Embracing envy as a distraction from the envious? The inherent attractiveness of working at a nonprofit foundation if you are a leftist? College professors brainwashing the scions of the wealthy? A Satanic pact? A rascally plot to encourage deficit spending in order to increase bond yields?
Count Kalergi, in Practical Idealism, is explicit that both capitalism and communism are acceptable paths to the goal of one world government run by the aristocracy of the intellect. I think there's ample evidence that Kalergi's advice was followed. I haven't read Gary Allen but I imagine I'd agree with him.
Just the right level of Doom Calories to satiate the Pallet; Umami, with a tinge of Salt & Spice.
One of the the legacies of the "Long March through the Institutions" is that for many youth, they have had their primary ideas, cultures, etc so thoroughly deconstructed... that they merely run around with anti-Western sentiment, sans anything meaningful to replace &/or counteract it.
Ask them (point blank) "What do you believe in?" & they can rarely throw together a coherent sentence. What they can tell you however is (paraphrased from most conversations): "I don't know what I stand for... but I stand AGAINST the West & want to burn it down".
In other words, Nemesis is here & likely to stay in the foreseeable future. Being the Twin to Lady Justice & without the Blindfold, Lady Nemesis pursues Vengeance without end. It is precisely because She is *partial* & emotive that this occurs (as opposed to her more Demure Sister).
The Hubris of the "Wokesters" have deraccinated the youngsters & have made Nemesis inevitable. All that remains is the Carnage followed by the Demon Invasions.
Being 96% negative has been a Marxist rhetorical tactic going back to Marx himself. Spend nearly all your efforts criticizing and be vague as all getout on what you want to replace it with. NEVER summarize. Refer your debate opponent to a tome of enormous gibberish.
I spent many an hour debating the lefties when in college. The Russian/Soviet history professor hosted a weekly salon at his house for such discussions. The professor himself was incredibly adept at making me defend my position while never defining his own.
One of the funnier moments in history was the breakup of the communist/socialists if Germany as WWI broke out, with almost all of them throwing off the international worker rhetoric to opt to fight for Germany. The rift that followed was priceless. When power was eventually handed over to the SPD who immediately informed everyone that democracy did in fact mean the dictatorship of the proletariat which caused the Nazis and communists to ally against them for a period of time.
I didn't know that. Man, you can't make this stuff up!
My first guess as to the means of destruction is the Great Reset - which is basically to say, AI-driven environmentalism. In the name of the great carbon goddess they will virtuously strip-mine the prosperity of the West, driving its inhabitants into peonage even as they further enrich themselves due to their ability to tax the air. The demographic destruction of the West will be accomplished by means of vastly increased migration from the third world, justified not on the basis of muh economy but because they are climate refugees fleeing a warming planet. Meanwhile Westmen will be dissuaded from reproducing, and rendered weak and passive by means of a plant-based diet, again all in the name of saving the world from cow farts.
Once worker solidarity failed in WW1, the national socialists observed the failure of class solidarity, positing a truer solidarity—for them <i>racial</i> solidarity. That this solidarity—“Italian” or “Aryan” or “Rumanian” was also garbage like class solidarity mattered not. Like class solidarity it had a lot of political power and was almost as wasteful and destructive of human life as international socialism. The Neo-Marxist “Gramscian” solution (note Gramsci, imprisoned by fascists personally the felt the power of “racial” solidarity) fused the hatreds of both Leninist and—to be frank—Hitlerian solutions: race hatred and class hatred will deliver the political power that either independently was unable to provide.
And it has. Every whacky hatred: of religion (the opiate of the masses), of whites (the cancer of history), of bourgeoise (the terrible oppressor class), of the human race (disgusting breeders misgendering the true people) has fused to create the Neo-Marxist insanity which now governs most of the world.
That's very good insight. Thanks for sharing. I don't disagree so I can't argue!
Wow! Margoth's Review posted a great piece earlier today about (essentially) the art of writing a good essay, and this essay (like so many of the ones you write) perfectly instantiate all the principles he articulated. I know I should comment on the content of the essay itself, since the infection of our culture with the psychotic pathologies of neo-Marxism is a subject I brood over a lot, but your analysis, synthesis, and writing -- the way you trace crucially important threads through their historical development and then tie them together in a way that explains so much of what we see in our culture today -- are all truly expertly done!
Thank you, that's very kind!
Accusations give an insight into the mind of the accuser. Projection, if you will. Only a foreigner of non-European origin could perceive “white” people to be a problem, because whites are steeped in whiteness as fish in water and tend to classify one another according to other taxonomies. Likewise, straightness can only be perceived as a problem trait by individuals of other persuasions. Masculinity is enjoyed by nearly half of humanity, but never to its fullest extent by those city-dwellers who do not apply masculine strength and courage in their daily lives. Christians can’t get along with one another at the best of times due to the proliferation of denominations but would hardly say that Christianity itself is at fault. Through this process of elimination, we can narrow down the pool of individuals from whence neo-everything springs.
One of the best things that came out of the GamerGate movement of mid to late 2014, was the #notyourshield sub-group. As many, many 'diverse' Gamers were every bit as irritated with the lies being told by Game Journalists as the 'White Misogynist' Gamers who were being portrayed as the Villain, were. While the Cultural Marxists behind the Anti-GG'ers could Uncle Tom *individuals* who were outside their victimhood framework, #notyourshield was big enough to make the lie that White Male Gamers were ostracizing everyone else all but obvious.
Sadly, though, precisely because of their individual nature, and not fully understanding the threat (I.E. it was Cultural Marxists, instead of just Game Journalists) unifying the larger group of Gamers was like Herding Cats. So, while Videogamers fought back harder than any other Fan Group, they ultimately lost. At least for the present.
I have long thought that a second iteration of #notyourshield would be one of the most powerful & effective social groups, should it arise. I am somewhat puzzled it hasn't happened yet.
Speaking of Entertainment Media though, one of the best explanations of why the Marxist-Synthesis is not working as intended (Well... maybe... 'Deceiving and BEING Deceived' is the name of the game... ) would be that the strength of Western Culture isn't *quite* what the Cultural Marxists thought it was.
That best example is the 1980 film, "The Gods Must be Crazy", or rather, not the film ITSELF, but an interview given by the Farmer/Actor Nǃxau ǂToma, who played the main character. The Film itself is definitely proto-woke. Telling the viewer that the Modern Western World is insane and we should all go back to being Hunter-Gatherers. HOWEVER, Toma said that itself was insanity. The life he & his tribe lived was incredibly dangerous and difficult and to not live on the edge of disaster and starvation is something any sane person would want.
To me, this means that it isn't (or isn't just) being White/Male/Blah/Blah/Blah, that has held the West together so well. The technology that has allowed life to not be such a hardscrabble struggle is a major, major part of it.
Now, the CM's are clever little monkies, I'll give them that. Over time, they did learn this. I personally believe its why 'Rap Culture' (Notice I did not say BLACK Culture) exists. It is an artificial culture, designed exactly like Feminism, for the sole purpose of tearing down some of the Stable Pillars of the West.
This has gone on to other areas, and to a degree this 'Fake Victimhood' is seen and known by some. But not widely enough. It's why another #notyourshield would be so effective in punching through that lie that we White Males live only to oppress anyone who isn't.
All very good, but there's also the problem that capitalism qua capitalism, itself itself, is a revolutionary materialist ideology of commercial transvalutation of the cosmos and alchemical reduction of persons of blood, race, relgion, and family into deracinated individuals.
I might one day tackle capitalism from a critical perspective.
Another aspect here is that merchants/corporations are institutionally spinless, in the sense that getting into long protracted fights is generally not profitable, even if you are right. Thus merchants will always at least play lip service to whichever ideology is the most dangerous to cross.
I agree with that. But what history has shown is that people who pay lip service to something long enough come to believe it. That's how propaganda works. You become who you pretend to be. The Ancient Greeks had a cool quote about this that escapes me, so please pretend I remembered it and ended this on a profound note of authority from antiquity.
That is Aristotle - the basics of Virtue ethics, is that Virtue is the proper disposition towards something. eg Courage is the proper disposition towards fearful things (neither foolhardy nor cowardly). He argued that Virtue was habit, and that by practicing it one could become more Virtuous by following the guide ons of society. Our guide ons are overdosing felons, porn stars, politicians, and so forth. No saints, heroes or Christ.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~ Aristotle
Great article! Thank you.
(I think autocorrect got ya here:
"The long march through the institutions by the Neo-Marxists was intended to seize control of the memes of production in order to bring about a communist revolution.")
_Maoism_ . . . which was AFTER the (Chinese) revolution rather than a means to that end. It didn't work terribly well but it did remove a hell of a lot of wrong-thinkers. This _is_ certainly what the modern 'Left' are aiming to do, but the similarity of technique does not make them Maoist, Marxist, or whatever.
Call a Neo-Marxist Jewish, Communist, Neo-Liberal...it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Neo-Marxist and you will be astonished at how he calls you a conspiracy theorist. "I've been found out!"
This is very true. Even more so if you say Cultural Marxist.
Excellent piece.
Regarding this ... "Therefore, the Neo-Marxists concluded, they had to circumvent the co-opted straight white male Christian working class and create a new body of potential revolutionaries among those outside of the mainstream: blacks, women, gays, religious minorities, and other groups. From these marginalized non-straight, non-white, non-masculine, and non-Christian groups of society, the true vanguard of the revolution would arise."
... see also "biological Leninism" aka "bioleninism": https://archive.md/rKak8
Nut graf: "So again, the genius of Leninism was in building a ruling class from scratch and making it cohesive by explicitly choosing people from low-status groups, ensuring they would be loyal to the party given they had much to lose. It worked so well it was the marvel of the intellectual classes of the whole world for a hundred years."
For sure. I am persuaded of the reality of Bio Leninism, but it was outside the scope of what I wanted to write about.
The link doesn't work. Who are you citing? Building a ruling class from scratch... who has ever tried outside of USSR and China, maybe Cuba and one or two others? In the Anglosphere the same family dynasties rule, for the most part, as they have for centuries. A small fraction was wiped out by Madame Guillotine but this was akin to some radical pruning. Somewhat more radical steps would be needed before one could start again. For a contemporary example take a look at what Satanyahoo is doing in Palestine. Is he a BioLeninist? Is sterilising the population via fake vaccines (if that is actually happening) a less bloodthirsty means to that end?
This would explain Leftist’s defense of big companies, along with those companies’ somewhat confused “woke messaging (ie: Budweiser).
How do we increase the friction?
I don't know, but I think we have to figure that out!
Knowing your enemy really is a good start. But you don't, as this essay proves.
And this is a self perpetuating system. Individuals matter not, there are merely managerial slots, drones and Owners, these neo-pharoahs, floating at the top of the cistern (sic). People don't kill people, systems kill people.
Their struggle is and always has been against Christianity. "Christian" is a choice, whereas White, Male, and Straight(mostly) are not.
Very interesting. However I will quibble on one point: the idea that there is something new about rich Marxist capitalists. Gary Allen advanced the theory that Marxism was the product of robber baron descendants, intent on creating a socialist dictatorship that they controlled.
I will neither endorse or refute his thesis. I will say that Mr. Allen had a lot of data points to support his thesis.
From where did those data points come? Guilt at being so rich? Embracing envy as a distraction from the envious? The inherent attractiveness of working at a nonprofit foundation if you are a leftist? College professors brainwashing the scions of the wealthy? A Satanic pact? A rascally plot to encourage deficit spending in order to increase bond yields?
I know not.
Count Kalergi, in Practical Idealism, is explicit that both capitalism and communism are acceptable paths to the goal of one world government run by the aristocracy of the intellect. I think there's ample evidence that Kalergi's advice was followed. I haven't read Gary Allen but I imagine I'd agree with him.