May you succeed in Saving American Comics, so that America's final moments (for all its sons and daughters) are far more tolerable and their pains + miseries more bearable.
I am going to poke the bear here. Yet, I cannot resist so here goes; our mutual friend, Mr. ToW, gave us a very precise prediction of the fall of the petro-dollar, this I find intriguing, could you do the same? I agree that the USA, the West, and the world is in turbulent times now and my hunch is they are about to get worse. But your tone seems like saber rattling and a bit much. I have Evangelical Christian friends who think Jesus is going to return. If so good, but I think this situation is more so a mirror of the fall of Rome (mind you this was long fall). Anyway my challenge to you is give us timeline, if we are doomed to your dire predictions, when? And many have suggested a whole slew of horrible futures, why are yours better? Thanks, I'm sure your have a good rebuttal. Cheerio.
With regard to the “long fall” thesis: Rome in its declining phase had several features that Yankee-land no longer possesses. I did not mention Rome in my piece; I focused more on Yankee-land’s own shortfalls; however one can (with some rudimentary know how regarding late stage Rome) quickly realise that the two declines (i.e. Rome vs the US) are not similar in several respects. Relevant:
Pay special attention in particular to the steel numbers. When Rome fell; it was still the premier economic powerhouse of Europa. This is not true for Yankee-land; which is a crumbling economic power. Less steel -> More Slaughter. Simple as that.
As for the point regarding my predictive prowess or lack thereof: I do not consider it important. My focus is more on the posthuman hellhole that is nigh and its various traits and features. Or, to the extent possible; “estimating” what it would look and “play” like.
There are many out there who are more educated and apt on a wide slew of subjects (history, economics, political science, etc). My aptitude meanwhile is in cognitive science + philosophy; so my focus is different:
It is to extrapolate the future hellhole and understand its operant principles. The heavy lifting in economics, history, etc I will gladly defer to my betters in those fields. They will be much better at predictive modelling regarding exact timelines than myself.
Hmm, Okay fair enough mostly you have already answered my request for a prediction. The hardest and most interesting thing about you is I agree with a percentage of your thinking. Perhaps that is why I am back for more.
To the prediction, like Mark Twain I have worried about many things that never happened. Your future might be more fantasy than Nostradamus. (Although I think there was a early twentieth century mystic who predicted in the beginning of this century we would all return to the Stone Age). Still in my own life there were things that I thought were imminent, and yet never happened. Example: if she didn't call by summer she aint gonna call. Thus am I right in thinking that here you expect this in 2023 or 2024.
As to occupying the CONUS, this is lunacy. You might get a coastal city but you could never hold the heartland, there are way to many cowboys with guns. To try would look like America in Afghanistan or Vietnam; anyone who looks different or has an accent will be shot. Good luck. Even in the cities I suspect gangs and hometown heroes, even the police, will be enough to keep any force that tries busy. Remember squabbling brothers get along when an enemy is at the gate.
Plus don't forget the US Navy, if there is an EMP, China, Russia, or the Middle East can expect a return volley.
There is more, American ingenuity is not to be taken lightly. Need I say DARPA.
However, I think we are in for a ruckus. Just out of curiosity have you (or the Tree) paid attention to situation of fertilizer. I think the world is about to get very hungry. Anyway unlike you to me I wish you the best, and must state I do quite enjoy your intelligence and commentary.
I would certainly be glad if this were all “fantasy” rather than brute fact. At this moment in time however, I tend toward thinking that it is the latter.
Occupying CONUS is not that difficult (What is difficult is going street by street and house by house killing and violating everything that moves). You need a few traitors and you need a sheepish population with little to no ties to the Murican nation (check and check). The “guns per capita” number (very impressive since second place is Faeroe islands who are half the Murican number) is moot if the people’s militia are kept at bay by the secret police. I commented on this sometime ago:
Long story short: the will to use weaponry (already very low) is not enough: you also need a population that is not rife with traitors, “traitors to be” and secret police.
There is a reason why for the Great Books of the Western Civilization; the very first work that is extant is Homer’s Illiad: the usage of the Trojan Horse is how the West-proper began… and how it will also end.
I have no qualms in being wrong regarding exact yearly forecasts. So even if nuclear conflict does not break out by 2024 or even this decades end; I would not change my view since the underlying principles would likely remain intact. I would simply say “I got the nitty gritty details wrong”.
Also: the return volley is what I factor in when considering the conquest and slaughter of CONUS. The number I estimated some months ago (after going through some white papers) is 200 million dead Chinese, 50+ million dead Russians, over 300 million dead Muricans and Europeans and whatnot. The global numbers are in the 800 million to 2 billion fatalities range.
So this is by no means a cakewalk when I speak about an Eurasian invasion.
However, the end result will be the extinction of America and the West since the Eurasian side can take the hit and still keep standing (of course they will become posthuman and transhuman savages in doing so, but that’s a different conversation) whilst the American team won’t.
Why not? Simply put: they have never had their back to the wall and faced an existential genocidal outcome like this. It’s almost like a fatal disease…. Russia and China have been at deaths door before (each faced off genocidal whackos on their home turf). Yankee land has not… ergo a fatal miserable end approaches.
Addendum: Before it gets brought up… the Civil war does not fit the bill since even if the confederates had won; they would not have pursued a campaign of total annihilation against the Union. The new reunified country would still have had a ruling elite who viewed the losing party as “our people… just those who fought for the wrong side”.
Finally, I share the view that Martyanov and others have regarding Murican technology: it’s basically over engineered junk quite similar to Nazi Germany tech in the war years. And the proof is in the pudding as they say… especially when we find (for instance) that American astronauts have to be Ubered into space with Russian and Chinese rockets since Murican ones were simply too expensive, impractical, etc these past 20+ years or so. It is a sorry and sad state of affairs; I highly recommend you go over this rapid decline in capability that Andrei goes over at length here:
In my own counter-spoliation, I invert a touchstone of woke ideology: Inherit the Wind. Inherit the Wind is the classic parable of "progressive enlightened science" triumphing over so-called "primitive superstitious religious ignorance and traditional values." Rather loosely based on the real-life events of the Scopes Monkey Trial, Inherit the Wind has long been a cornerstone of woke drama and cinema.
Now the tables have turned and the "progressive and enlightened" are promoting their own irrational, ignorant transgender ideology. They are ripe for a takedown by the champions of real biological science and traditional values.
In my updated version, a high school biology teacher faces arrest for teaching - not evolution - but rather the biology of sex and for refusing to affirm a student's declared gender. The resulting show trial attracts nationally recognized champions amid a media circus.
"Woke" is just a nomenclature used to conceal the truth about Jews and the Frankfurt School.
The Jewish god is a fraud . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond people, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities and on our streets, have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to its minimal expression. The Bible is bullshit.
I will pass along to my gamer friends.
All the best on your endeavors!
May you succeed in Saving American Comics, so that America's final moments (for all its sons and daughters) are far more tolerable and their pains + miseries more bearable.
Thank you
Mandatory Doom-foretelling since this place is a locus for Human Misery + Agony.
I am going to poke the bear here. Yet, I cannot resist so here goes; our mutual friend, Mr. ToW, gave us a very precise prediction of the fall of the petro-dollar, this I find intriguing, could you do the same? I agree that the USA, the West, and the world is in turbulent times now and my hunch is they are about to get worse. But your tone seems like saber rattling and a bit much. I have Evangelical Christian friends who think Jesus is going to return. If so good, but I think this situation is more so a mirror of the fall of Rome (mind you this was long fall). Anyway my challenge to you is give us timeline, if we are doomed to your dire predictions, when? And many have suggested a whole slew of horrible futures, why are yours better? Thanks, I'm sure your have a good rebuttal. Cheerio.
Short answer: you can refer to the comment I made here on “timelines”:
With regard to the “long fall” thesis: Rome in its declining phase had several features that Yankee-land no longer possesses. I did not mention Rome in my piece; I focused more on Yankee-land’s own shortfalls; however one can (with some rudimentary know how regarding late stage Rome) quickly realise that the two declines (i.e. Rome vs the US) are not similar in several respects. Relevant:
Pay special attention in particular to the steel numbers. When Rome fell; it was still the premier economic powerhouse of Europa. This is not true for Yankee-land; which is a crumbling economic power. Less steel -> More Slaughter. Simple as that.
As for the point regarding my predictive prowess or lack thereof: I do not consider it important. My focus is more on the posthuman hellhole that is nigh and its various traits and features. Or, to the extent possible; “estimating” what it would look and “play” like.
There are many out there who are more educated and apt on a wide slew of subjects (history, economics, political science, etc). My aptitude meanwhile is in cognitive science + philosophy; so my focus is different:
It is to extrapolate the future hellhole and understand its operant principles. The heavy lifting in economics, history, etc I will gladly defer to my betters in those fields. They will be much better at predictive modelling regarding exact timelines than myself.
Hmm, Okay fair enough mostly you have already answered my request for a prediction. The hardest and most interesting thing about you is I agree with a percentage of your thinking. Perhaps that is why I am back for more.
To the prediction, like Mark Twain I have worried about many things that never happened. Your future might be more fantasy than Nostradamus. (Although I think there was a early twentieth century mystic who predicted in the beginning of this century we would all return to the Stone Age). Still in my own life there were things that I thought were imminent, and yet never happened. Example: if she didn't call by summer she aint gonna call. Thus am I right in thinking that here you expect this in 2023 or 2024.
As to occupying the CONUS, this is lunacy. You might get a coastal city but you could never hold the heartland, there are way to many cowboys with guns. To try would look like America in Afghanistan or Vietnam; anyone who looks different or has an accent will be shot. Good luck. Even in the cities I suspect gangs and hometown heroes, even the police, will be enough to keep any force that tries busy. Remember squabbling brothers get along when an enemy is at the gate.
Plus don't forget the US Navy, if there is an EMP, China, Russia, or the Middle East can expect a return volley.
There is more, American ingenuity is not to be taken lightly. Need I say DARPA.
However, I think we are in for a ruckus. Just out of curiosity have you (or the Tree) paid attention to situation of fertilizer. I think the world is about to get very hungry. Anyway unlike you to me I wish you the best, and must state I do quite enjoy your intelligence and commentary.
I would certainly be glad if this were all “fantasy” rather than brute fact. At this moment in time however, I tend toward thinking that it is the latter.
Occupying CONUS is not that difficult (What is difficult is going street by street and house by house killing and violating everything that moves). You need a few traitors and you need a sheepish population with little to no ties to the Murican nation (check and check). The “guns per capita” number (very impressive since second place is Faeroe islands who are half the Murican number) is moot if the people’s militia are kept at bay by the secret police. I commented on this sometime ago:
Long story short: the will to use weaponry (already very low) is not enough: you also need a population that is not rife with traitors, “traitors to be” and secret police.
There is a reason why for the Great Books of the Western Civilization; the very first work that is extant is Homer’s Illiad: the usage of the Trojan Horse is how the West-proper began… and how it will also end.
I have no qualms in being wrong regarding exact yearly forecasts. So even if nuclear conflict does not break out by 2024 or even this decades end; I would not change my view since the underlying principles would likely remain intact. I would simply say “I got the nitty gritty details wrong”.
Also: the return volley is what I factor in when considering the conquest and slaughter of CONUS. The number I estimated some months ago (after going through some white papers) is 200 million dead Chinese, 50+ million dead Russians, over 300 million dead Muricans and Europeans and whatnot. The global numbers are in the 800 million to 2 billion fatalities range.
So this is by no means a cakewalk when I speak about an Eurasian invasion.
However, the end result will be the extinction of America and the West since the Eurasian side can take the hit and still keep standing (of course they will become posthuman and transhuman savages in doing so, but that’s a different conversation) whilst the American team won’t.
Why not? Simply put: they have never had their back to the wall and faced an existential genocidal outcome like this. It’s almost like a fatal disease…. Russia and China have been at deaths door before (each faced off genocidal whackos on their home turf). Yankee land has not… ergo a fatal miserable end approaches.
Addendum: Before it gets brought up… the Civil war does not fit the bill since even if the confederates had won; they would not have pursued a campaign of total annihilation against the Union. The new reunified country would still have had a ruling elite who viewed the losing party as “our people… just those who fought for the wrong side”.
Finally, I share the view that Martyanov and others have regarding Murican technology: it’s basically over engineered junk quite similar to Nazi Germany tech in the war years. And the proof is in the pudding as they say… especially when we find (for instance) that American astronauts have to be Ubered into space with Russian and Chinese rockets since Murican ones were simply too expensive, impractical, etc these past 20+ years or so. It is a sorry and sad state of affairs; I highly recommend you go over this rapid decline in capability that Andrei goes over at length here:
Question: is the million dollar stretch goal Autarch gets sharks with lasers for its headquarters?
I can't officially comment but yes
Post it over on - they have the same goals
I enjoyed following it on Arktoons. I hope you'll be able to post more.
Thanks for the plug on your Telegram!!
Good suggestion. VD has now promoted it!
Backed. And well said.
In my own counter-spoliation, I invert a touchstone of woke ideology: Inherit the Wind. Inherit the Wind is the classic parable of "progressive enlightened science" triumphing over so-called "primitive superstitious religious ignorance and traditional values." Rather loosely based on the real-life events of the Scopes Monkey Trial, Inherit the Wind has long been a cornerstone of woke drama and cinema.
Now the tables have turned and the "progressive and enlightened" are promoting their own irrational, ignorant transgender ideology. They are ripe for a takedown by the champions of real biological science and traditional values.
In my updated version, a high school biology teacher faces arrest for teaching - not evolution - but rather the biology of sex and for refusing to affirm a student's declared gender. The resulting show trial attracts nationally recognized champions amid a media circus.
Weekly episodes of The Wise of Heart post here:
"He who brings trouble on his house will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart." -Proverbs 11:29
Thanks! I just pledged on your substack. Cheers, Hans!
"Woke" is just a nomenclature used to conceal the truth about Jews and the Frankfurt School.
The Jewish god is a fraud . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond people, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities and on our streets, have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to its minimal expression. The Bible is bullshit.