>>No statement I make can "change your mind" or promt any action. ...<<
It's not the "utterance", but rather the proposition and/or the statement *as such* I was speaking about. I would agree with you if it was the former; but the latter is very different. If there was not "Gap" with regard to Descriptive qualities (i.e. "able to pinpoint…
>>No statement I make can "change your mind" or promt any action. ...<<
It's not the "utterance", but rather the proposition and/or the statement *as such* I was speaking about. I would agree with you if it was the former; but the latter is very different. If there was not "Gap" with regard to Descriptive qualities (i.e. "able to pinpoint") and Active qualities (i.e. "able to prompt"), then Formal Language would be the inevitable, Deterministic evolutionary endpoint of Natural Language in every Human Society.
However, not only do we not see this, but rather we see the Collapse of Formal Language systems (the 20th century failure of the Positivist movement was the start, now it has only accelerated) because of their overall inability to find within themselves the Normative standards which justify their own field to begin with.
It's not an accident that "Science" is collapsing as we speak (I can go on a tangent on Stanford and others being caught red handed falsifying all sorts of stuff, but I will desist on that); this is the inevitable result of the "Normative-Descriptive" Gap coming to the fore. And it will only get worse.
>>No statement I make can "change your mind" or promt any action. ...<<
It's not the "utterance", but rather the proposition and/or the statement *as such* I was speaking about. I would agree with you if it was the former; but the latter is very different. If there was not "Gap" with regard to Descriptive qualities (i.e. "able to pinpoint") and Active qualities (i.e. "able to prompt"), then Formal Language would be the inevitable, Deterministic evolutionary endpoint of Natural Language in every Human Society.
However, not only do we not see this, but rather we see the Collapse of Formal Language systems (the 20th century failure of the Positivist movement was the start, now it has only accelerated) because of their overall inability to find within themselves the Normative standards which justify their own field to begin with.
It's not an accident that "Science" is collapsing as we speak (I can go on a tangent on Stanford and others being caught red handed falsifying all sorts of stuff, but I will desist on that); this is the inevitable result of the "Normative-Descriptive" Gap coming to the fore. And it will only get worse.