This is why we need to take over the environmental movement. Team D has gone brown, and the smarter liberals know it. Less travel requires more law and order and less zoning restrictions.

CAFE regulations are responsible for the boom in SUVs and gigantic pickup trucks.

The quickest way to cut carbon burning is to build more nuclear power plants.

Meat farming Salatin style sequesters carbon into the soil.

Methanol from sustainable energy (nuclear, geothermal, etc.) can power automobiles made of common recyclable metals (steel, aluminum).

There. I'm Greener than Al Gore.

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The 'electorate' will not be able to prevent the 'Elite' from pursuing their Demonic aims.

The reason is simple: the ACTUAL *selectorate* (i.e. 'subset of the electorate needed to wield power effectively') is squarely with 'Davos Man' & related Team-Demon (& antihuman) individuals.

Historically, thinning a selectorate means just that: Namely, wielding Mass Violence.

We are beginning to see the preliminary signs of the Mass Slaughter & Carnage.

Thus, America is about to enter its own Sengoku Jidai.

The DOOM cometh!

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"If we acquiesce, if we allow it to happen, we cannot say we weren’t warned in advance."

If the voters only get what we want if the elites want it also, what is to be done? Perhaps as their hosts, we must make it unpalatable, even deadly for the parasites (what I call most elites) not to want what we want. For instance, if they'd like to have all the comforts of which they are accustomed, they better understand that their underlings (the voters) make all those comforts happen. Not them.

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Is it time for a course of anti-parasitic medication, perhaps?

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It is time.

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Grim but accurate report. Not being one of them I have to wonder whether they hold us in such contempt, or whether they realize that by excluding the competent from their bioleninist "elite", their only hope to hold onto a Western Civilization standard of life for themselves is to steal it from the rest of us. Are they afraid of the coming Circulation of the Elite? Is it time for our best Westmen to reclaim our destiny? https://barsoom.substack.com/p/theres-a-crown-lying-in-the-gutter

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Yes, yes Elites. Sing the same song you've sung for thousands of years. 'We're better than the Plebian Scum, blah blah blah...'

What I have found dubious since I was capable of sentient thought though, is- How are these people 'Superior'? They may have access to education and information that most don't, but it doesn't actually make them superior human beings in an objective way.

No, seriously. They aren't smarter. They aren't stronger, they aren't faster. They aren't wiser. If you grabbed 1,000 'Elites', and 1,000 'Peons' and subjected them to a bevy of physical and intellectual challenges, I guarantee you you could not tell which person was from which group.

I am again reminded of that cutting passage in Scripture- 'Deceiving and BEING deceived.' If these people think they are Elite for ANY OTHER REASON other than Economic (the majority of that being an accident of birth), they are lying to themselves.

Even the 'real' Elite (the 1% of the 1%) will find out pretty quick that their Masters don't care any more about them more than anyone else.

No. No, I take that back. The Rulers of this World DO care more. They care about the utility the Ultra-Elite have as *Scapegoats*. Destroying 1,000,000 schlubs won't have the usefulness executing 1 Ultra-Elite will, when it comes time to pretend to be a savior of Humanity.

On another note, I also find it vaguely ironic that even before I became almost totally disabled, I would have been seen as an 'Ideal Citizen' by most of these metrics. I Loved Driving, but I wasn't extravagant or wasteful about it. (Unless you count merely having owned a 2003 Acura CL Type-S as 'wasteful'. I don't.) I bought maybe 5-6 outfits a year. Now even less. I was content living in less than 1,000sq ft. I now spend 99% of my time in a small spare bedroom. Until I started dating a woman who lived 3,000 miles away, I had flown commercial only twice in my life.

I DID commit the sin of consuming a fair amount of dairy however. But now with Opiate-Induced Constipation hanging over my Bowels like a literal Sword of Damocles, I dare not go back to that. However, that won't be an issue for much longer, I'm sure. The DEA has cut the supply of Opiate Medications for legitimate Chronic Pain patients by 75% since 2016. With a consummate rise in the self-deletion of CP sufferers by 600%.

At least that aspect of removing all the Useless Eaters is moving along apace, unnoticed by most. I wonder how many others there are.

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Talk about noblesse oblige! After they bravely sacrificed the men of Ukraine to save the "rules based international order," they now plan to tighten our belts for us and have generously allowed us to be their sacrificial offering on the altar of their blind idiot transgender goddess. But of course, our sacrifice will no doubt pale in comparison to theirs, as they stunningly and bravely type out the virtuous slogans of the day for display on their social media bios.

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This makes me want to consume more. LOL!

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"FUC Head Report"

Absolute genius.

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I couldn't stop chuckling - comedy gold.

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The statements you cite are outrageous, but I wonder how effective the 'elites" will be in implementing them; after all, if they really are so omnipotent, we wouldn't have had Donald Trump as president, and he would not have been able to resist all of their attempts to crush him (so far, at least), and the 2d Amendment would have been repealed long ago.

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I don't think they are omnipotent; if I did I wouldn't bother writing to say we should resist!

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We just don’t have this vibe anymore huh?

I call not upon a few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it.”

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That's a good point, and duly noted! My characterization of your position was overly broad.

Gonna be an "interesting" time the next few years....

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As one of the Proles, and who works among the lowest rung of the Proles, how do you square the circle of telling the AA community that they need to 'live with less'? 3 new clothing purchases a year? Less energy usage - how will that iDevice get charged?

I know they do what they want, and their minions in the corporate media say whatever they're told, but wouldn't the above be considered 'discrimination' and 'neo-colonialism'? I've always wondered how you push around a people who've we've been told can't be even verbally criticized.

They're going to have to tiptoe around the tulips to force some of this stuff through.

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