Apr 3Liked by Tree of Woe

As I read this, I realized I can feel these things in me: the desire to just be concerned about myself, the desire to control, and the desire to gleefully destroy and tear down that which I think of as evil.

I’d been thinking lately, I haven’t found out how to square the warrior ethos and knowing evil is real, with a sense that “righteous anger” is really easy to take too far and to a destructive place.

This tripartite model makes me think, the battle I need to win is a commitment to be loving and creative, not vengeful and destructive. This makes me wonder if even hoping for the global system, as is, to heal and resolve its problems is wiser than hoping somewhat gleefully for chaos to arise and prove me right. Of course as I write that, it seems sort of obvious. Maybe, “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst” is wise.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 7Liked by Tree of Woe

Sorry for the delay. My (Soon-to-be-Ex) Wife gave me my Divorce Papers recently, so I've been swimming in Bureaucratic Evil. Funny how Christians were fussing about giving the Government the 'Right to determine what a marrage is', a couple decades ago & most never realized we had already given authority of marriage to The System.

The system-oriented evil, or if my understanding is correct, the Ahrimanic Evil, has existed for Millenia, though I will admit modern techniques has made it vastly more efficient. None of the 501c3 churches I attended ever spoke about what I am going to say regarding the consequences of this story in the Bible. The ONLY other organized religious group in America I ever heard say this was the Jehovah's Witnesses (Which are not Christian), make of that what you will-

When Jesus endured his 40 days of Temptation, the last test was the Devil taking him up to 'A High Place' and showing him all the Kingdoms of the World (I don't think this was as purely spiritual as many think) and telling him, 'All these will be yours if you will only bow down and worship me.' Obviously, Jesus refused, giving the best possible answer, 'Worship God Alone.'

I have never heard a Pastor draw the obvious conclusion from this- That all governments on Earth are Satanic *By Default*. While there have been exceptions from time to time, notably Ancient Israel for a period, all world rulers are servants of The Devil and his Fallen Angelic Hierarchy.

I have heard some indivduals argue that this stopped after Jesus Christ sacrified Himself to redeem Humanity, but we are told in 1st John that the Devil, 'Grips the World in His Fist', so no, that authority has not changed.

The Ahrimanic Evil, is primarily what the Bible calls, 'Mystery Babylon'. It is that millennia-old system of rulers, continued from Nimrod, the first 'One World Order' King. Though they work in concert with Evil Spiritual Powers, they are every bit the pawns and are just as hated as 'normal' humanity. At one point, the 'Beast' will chuck her off of his back and she will be destroyed.

At that point, what you label 'Sorathic evil', will take over, worldwide, *pretending* to be the savior of humanity from Mystery Babylon. It will be a very convincing Lie and whether out of fear or genuine devotion, most people on Earth will take 'The Mark' that it demands. Likely under the guise of some Transhuman Enhancement, it does not matter what benefits it gives, genuine or not, the result will be the destruction of that person's humanity and thus completely remove even the *possibility* of that person's redemption.

As for any 'lack' of creativity, I've also heard some argue that the Devil & his minions lack the 'Creative Spark' and many argue that is 'The Mystery' that obedient Angels 'long to look into'. I disagree. Those creatures are going to be the primary instigators of 'The Great Deception' and we are told that it will be SO great that only those who have the Holy Spirit will be able to see the lie. That seems like it would require a fair bit of 'creativity'.

As I've said here before- In 1993, myself and 3 others had a direct confrontation with an 'Evil Spirit'. It was Ancient, Powerful, more intelligent than a human ever *could* be, and layered with Malice like an Onion, layer by layer, built up with thousands of years of painstaking care. I forgive anyone who thinks that humans are 'the worst monsters', they''ve never met one of *these* things. It was superior to Mankind in every conceivable way. Without the Holy Spirit of God coming out of me to deal with it, it would have swatted me like a fly.

All three of these kinds of Evil have been around since The Serpent made his Offer to Eve, for as The Father of Lies, everything that *could* be against God was represented in Him.

Speaking of that- One of the most horrifying experiences in my life happened a couple years ago, when my Wife told me that she thought it was grossly unfair of God to create us unable to make our own morality, then damn us for not following His rules. She called it, 'Cake or Death'.

Hearing the Woman I love throw back the Serpent's lie in my face, approvingly... I was in total Brainlock for hours. It was just one long 'No', in my head, over and over again.

When your Princess has fallen for the Dragon's Lies... That's not a fight any Mortal Man can win.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Tree of Woe

Excellent post! It's hard to make an empirical, logical analysis of evil and its aims, since so many of the insights are accessible only by mystical exploration and dreamlike visions, but you did as good a job as is probably humanly possible to do. My gut feeling is that your conclusions are accurate!

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Love his Litmus Tests and especially his explanation why they work.

Also, love his monikers ("Fire Nation", "Arrakis / Fremen /CHOAM"), they allow one to put some distance between the events and one's mood affiliation.

>deeply in the grip of insanity and evil

I had several quasi-mystical experiences in my life. The last one occurred in winter of 2021. I was at the gym. The TV was on, as per usual, but there was no sound on subtitles. We do not have a TV at home, so I am not desensitized to it. I was sort of absent-mindedly watching the programming, when all of a sudden I had a feeling of evil pouring out of the screen. When the feeling subsided I continued watching to figure out what the programming was. Sure enough, it was about COVID

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Apr 4Liked by Tree of Woe

Russia concluded that CIA organized Crocus massacre of 350 people – Drastic 180 degree turn away from passive tolerance of US/UK provocations imminent

Paul Craig Roberts: Heading Towards Armageddon !!! – Apr 2, 2024


Russ is Waiting for Hi Ranking US Visit To Kiev then All Gov Buildings with Visitors Inside will be Flatten! The decision has been made! – Apr 2, 2024


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Apr 3Liked by Tree of Woe

Evil convinced its enemies that winning on the physical plane was not a condition for winning in the afterlife. We've been on the back foot ever since. Meanwhile, 1 in every 200 souls knocking on the pearly gates is descended from Genghis Khan...

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Tree of Woe

We are witnessing a great Falling Away. Many Christian denominations are compromised. The current regime is begging for us to start a civil war so they can impose a crackdown. The way the financial system is being use to stifle dissent resembles the Number of the Beast prophecy.

I think we still have a few decades yet before things come to a head. There is no Temple to desecrate as per the Olivet Prophecy. (But some are working on that.) And I think we will get as far as asteroid mining before all is done.

Rev 8:10  And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 

Rev 8:11  And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. 

There is an asteroid. 33 Polyhymnia. which is supposedly denser than any known element. If the density measurements are true, then there are super-heavy elements there to be mined and experimented with. Mighty tempting. Could be very toxic.

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Apr 4Liked by Tree of Woe

Bravo and -- a question?

WHO really rules the US instead of Genocide Joe ?? – Obama?, Clintons? - WHO

Former ESPN Host Sage Steele Says Biden Interview Was Entirely Scripted – Apr 3 – Kit Cabello


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Hi! I have a vicious disagreement with this point:

> OPFOREVIL’s objective is the destruction of the world and the annihilation or damnation of every living creature within it.

Nononono! How can this be? If 'Evil' destroys the world, it will destroy itself as well. Why would 'Evil' want to destroy itself? Old theologians even had a belief no creature can will it's own destruction. So, it can't be that 'Evil' wants to destroy the world, there has to be another reason.

And I found it! \o/

You can find more in this thread, https://barsoom.substack.com/p/make-demon-slaying-great-again/comment/50408665 the branch on the second level starting with "What we today call angels and demons were once upon a time called gods." but I'll give a retelling below.

With the exception of an improbable hypothesis (the one which relies on Poincare theorem, which I killed elsewhere and can reproduce the arguments if required), we can tell Universe (AKA Creation, everything God made) is destroying information as it progresses. We started with some initial information content and have been using it up. We started with wide possibilities and have been narrowing our possible futures. If this process is left unchecked, we (both spiritual and material beings) will eventually enter into a tight loop where nothing interesting happens ever again.

Mathematically, we can liken this to hailstorm sequences (from Collatz's conjecture). The initial state of the Universe is decided jointly by God and us (i.e. by all beings that have free will, regardless if those beings JUST ARE or if they were created). Some bits of the initial number are decided by God and he left some bits for each one of us to decide. This put the Universe on some point on the number line. And, driven by it's own internal laws, the Universe is now careening toward it's ultimate fate: a small sequence 1-4-2 and again from start.

This endgame sequence is basically a prison. If you are caught in that you can't ever decide anything. Nothing new will even happen again. It's like going through the same motions forever, always having the exact same thoughts as you do, not remembering how long have you been doing it and never ever breaking out of the loop. Hell, basically. The only way to prevent this is to add more information into the system, and this can only be done by God - since he's the only one outside the system.

*Yet 'Evil' doesn't want anything to do with God!* But the only way to get information is to get it from God! So 'Evil' has an insurmountable problem! In my understanding, the demons who rebeled against God decided to try the following stratagem: knowing God will never let humans who love him enter into the "endgame no-information prison" AKA Hell, they decided to trap those humans into their own prison, planning to syphon information God provides to his beloved humans. Basically, God "feeds" humans who love him with information because he won't let their love be unanswered. But the devils eat that information before it reaches humans, thus sustaining themselves. In other words, the devils planned to both not heed God and live forever outside the "endgame no-information prison".

God's answer to that is to remake the world without the devils and without humans that don't love God. Which is why Jesus the Anointed came.

Now I presume devils already understand the jig is up, so it's unclear why are they doing anything at all. After all, why fight if the end is inevitable? But then again, who of us would want to end the fight **if you can still enjoy yourself for a little while before the end?** And I think that's their current motive. Not so much trying to live forever, but instead just having a jolly good time while they still can. So I would suppose OPFOREVIL will attempt to maximize the ruckus it makes simply because that will make it feel like they matter more. If God has to put together 1,000 destroyed psychies that's less interesting for devils than if God has to put together 1,000,000 destroyed psychies. They "matter" less if they make less problems for God.

Under this thesis, OPFOREVIL will not go for Global Thermonuclear War because, while it's evil is great, it's not as great as trying to entrench trannyism as a totally normal thing. Maybe. You be the judge of what is more evil and a bigger departure from Divine Law: to kill 20% of humans through nukes and an additional 60% of humans through famine and system collapse... or to enshrine a belief 11-year kids can choose if they undergo puberty or not.

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حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ، - يَعْنِي ابْنَ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ الْقَارِيَّ - عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يَحْسِرَ الْفُرَاتُ عَنْ جَبَلٍ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ يَقْتَتِلُ النَّاسُ عَلَيْهِ فَيُقْتَلُ مِنْ كُلِّ مِائَةٍ تِسْعَةٌ وَتِسْعُونَ وَيَقُولُ كُلُّ رَجُلٍ مِنْهُمْ لَعَلِّي أَكُونُ أَنَا الَّذِي أَنْجُو ‏"‏ ‏.‏

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The Last Hour would not come before the Euphrates uncovers a mountain of gold, for which people would fight. Ninety-nine out of each one hundred would die but every man amongst them would say that perhaps he would be the one who would be saved (and thus possess this gold).

Sahih Muslim 2894a


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