Good insights.

If anything, the "Elite" overshot when they tried to normalize the Perennial philosophies from the East and sculpt that into the Western ethos.

"All the religions got somethings right; but they all fell short... WE however think that we got the whole picture and can now syncretize everything to best fit the world today"

^An Oversimplification perhaps; but in essence the Perennial gist is captured like so.

Many a Westerner (perhaps former Christians; outright Atheists/Materialists or never really concerned about religious matters to begin with) was rightfully disgusted by such an ideology.

Especially so when its practitioners do not declare their intentions and seek to covertly spread their silliness. Once they did; the "You will own nothing & be happy" drivel got pushed.

Evil in general is very vocal; so it is impossible to hide once a certain crescendo is reached.

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I've spent more time in woods than in schools.

Real "paganism" is never defeated, it merely retreats home, and grows stronger as it waits quietly.

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Appreciation of the wonders of Creation is an innate human disposition.

It’s not really a definitive demonstrative case in favour of paganism &/or polytheistic thought.

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Nor is if a definitive demonstrative case in favour of monotheism.

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Disagree. Man got said disposition from "somewhere".

The explanations given (i.e. "it evolved", "it's random", "aliens", etc) all fail.

The only feasible explanation is that the Creator endowed him with said Wonder.

If it came from any other source (let's say for argument's sake we pick the materialists' top choice a la "evolution"):

There will be some Reducible &/or Supervenient sequence of propositions that Explain the "Wonder" in more 'scientific language'.

But this can never be done due to the irreducibility of Qualia.

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There is the creator, and then there is monotheism. The creator endowed us all with wonder, and monotheists decided it was reserved for monotheists, with prejudice.

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Certainly some out there do give that impression.

But in terms of standard Islamic doctrine; there is no mention made that wonder is purely the worldly bounty of the Believer.

People of the Book & non-Believers likewise have access to it; they however use said Wonder toward improper Pursuits.

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That "improper Pursuits" bit is why the founders of America were explicit about freedom of religion. That said, it is the scientific materialist, atheist Trans woke who are ascendant in America, who threaten the children of Pagans and Monotheists alike.

Also, I just read your substack. Where is part three? Sounds like you were ready to rape and pillage across America.

I think you do not really understand America and Americans.

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Loved this! Thank you! Shared on Social Galactic.

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Excellent essay! The undeniable evil running amok in the world (especially in high places) underscores the importance of the spiritual dimension of our existence. The traditional religions have some (potentially) helpful paradigms and concepts for making sense of this strange reality, but their institutions and teachings seem to have been irreperably corrupted, and taking them at face value brings more confusion than clarity. You do a great job articulating these terribly complicated and abstract issues and weaving it all together in a succinct and helpful way Very well done!

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"Spiritual" is a neutral term.

There is a whole world of Darkness out there... which can still be called " Spiritual".

Whilst the common Man is encouraged by the "Elite" to be materialistic; they themselves have never stopped being "Spiritual"... they merely changed teams.

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This is an excellent piece.

I tried to write something similar not too long ago, and while I think I was on-target conceptually, I refused to post it. This has inspired me to take another crack at it. Your metaphor, "the woodlands" is exactly right; I believe there has to be a connection between the warrior spirit and true religious conviction, and that the exploration of the spirit lies in a direction that is purely the unknown. My own experiences "brushing up against the veil" have deepened my own convictions, but simultaneously given me more questions than answers, and certainly the old churches provide little help in this regard.

Just like in our political dealings, we have to be looking forward, not backward. The historical circumstances that allowed our old churches to flourish are gone completely. The spiritual revival has to lie in a new direction. Additionally, like you indicated, the warrior's heart needed to fight our political, social, and cultural battles, can only be cultivated by firstly pursuing the religious spirit. They two edges of the same sword.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Tree of Woe

Incredible post. As Nicolás Goméz Dávila said - I’m a pagan who believes in Christ. “Welcome to the Woodland.” That metaphor rules supreme

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There are those out there who view Jesus (pbuh) not as Prophet &/or Messenger, but rather as a "spiritual teacher of man". Secular Humanists & related groups try & espouse this.

Apparently, there are Pagan groups out there starting to do the same.

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Certainly. I also think ancestrally many people of European descent have pagan and Christian roots

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Some more so than others

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Tree of Woe

Fantastic .

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Inshallah, we can all move from the woodlands to the desert...

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Tree of Woe

Amen brother.

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Is Idris Elba going to contemplate BY the tree or will he be nailed ONTO it (special effects of course)?

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Presumably the latter. And thank you for reading the fine print!

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In that case, it's a "must-see".

P.S. The fine print is usually where the most important information resides.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Tree of Woe

Searching for the Golden bough, in the Woodland?

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Tree of Woe

fyi, here's a version of a Nordic conversion story that I had heard through the years, re: the felling of a sacred oak


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I like the gist of this post, but it felt a bit too... 'Deus Vult' to me. I am definitely on the pagan side of things, though not the Norse variety (in Brazil, we have different spirits and gods, both native and imported). I agree that modern religions (or whatever name they are called by) do not provide enough answers - or rather, they do not bring out the questions we could be asking ourselves. All the bright lights and the infinite scrolling to dull our hearts and minds.

Western Europe and the US have certainly pushed "Western democracy" down our throats here in the South: America and Africa, mostly, but also parts of Asia. Even so, the conversion was never complete and, for example, "wokeness" is a partial phenomenon. That's why some of what I read in US-centered blogs feel a bit, uhm, narrow in a worldwide sense. (I mention Western values because these are my reality; I am certain Japan and China and Russia and Iran and Saudi Arabia and India all influence their respective spheres).

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With Jim openly subscribing to the literal understanding of Matthew 27:25 - e.g. https://blog.reaction.la/uncategorized/covid-19-and-the-faith/ , and Vox Day using every opportunity to paint Jews *as a whole* of being guilty of spreading every abomination in which some of them were notable participants (e.g. "feminism is a Jewish ideology" - https://voxday.net/2023/09/21/the-unexpected-end-of-feminism/ ), the slogan "no enemies to the right" starts sounding hollow and being Jewish I am not sure at all of my inclination to join.

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The West is done. "No enemies to the right" can never be soundly applied because what comprises "the Right" has become meaningless.

The few serious Christians left today are mostly in the East.

The "Western Christians" meanwhile tend to be mouthpieces for the regime, outright secularists &/or materialists OR just too pacifistic & weak to matter.

Being willing, ready & able to Fight is a Key.

That is no longer the case for Westerners.

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"The West is done."

Sez who?! Tell ya what: I'll fight ya for it.

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In what format and weight class?

If it’s Submission grappling at 185 lbs; I have good chances.

If it’s a kickboxing bout at around 185 lbs; I am less confident.

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I've got a few pounds on you but I'm old, so it might be a good matchup.

Agree on striking, I've got precious few neural connections as it is, lol

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My footwork is awful (courtesy of the “cyclist quads” I developed from the past few years) so you would probably tag me quite easily if your movement is half decent.

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Maybe, but I don't punch right, I'd sooner eat a troon

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On a more related note:

The West is done regardless of the emotions you feel.

If the “women” are murdering their offspring by the millions and the “men” are self-pleasuring themselves… the only thing left is Destruction.

Tick Tock… the inevitable Slaughter approaches!

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My mate just had his second kid. I know lots of folks having kids.

The clotshot and various anti-natal PSYOPs have only culled the herd of the anti-natal and authority-followers.

Play the long game.

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Ultimately, it comes down to "total numbers"

No doubt there will be communities (i.e. the sort where having 10 sons is just another day at the office) that "make it".

But that doesn't change the fact that hundreds of millions will still be (as you put it) culled in horrendous ways.

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We'll be lucky if it's only 100's of millions that meet an early end.

I hope I'm wrong.

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Welcome based Indo-Turkic brother! (As I assume you are of Ashkenazim extraction, if you're Sephardic, you get extra based points).

Jewry has a big problem. You have some sort of weird space alien god subset of Jews (perhaps an offshoot of the Sabbatians, pretty sure they're into dark Kabbalah and all sorts of evil weird dark shit) claiming to act in the name of all Jews. These are the ones causing all the problems.

They use Jewry as an ablative layer to protect themselves when the inevitable backlash starts, and are one of the primary instigators and promoters of anti-Jew propaganda. There's a lot of history of this if you care to look. Some call them the Khazarian Mafia, and while that may have issues as a descriptor, it's pretty accurate IMO.

I'd advise finding some based gentiles just in case you need some backup if we get Kristallnacht 2.0. IMO it's a low but non-zero probability outcome.

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Whatever we do next, it will require allies.

I question this. Solitude is the food of spirituality. And from a purely practical standpoint, we are much more deadly if we are decentralized. Collectivism is the source of most problems.

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Decentralized and isolated are not at all the same thing. Solitude is good, but so is fellowship; these goods are not mutually exclusive. And if you are going to act in the world or have any hope of changing society for the better, you will need to cooperate with others.

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Bach, Pindar, and Gauss did a pretty good job of changing the world on their own.

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Sure, but they're the exception rather than the rule. Here's one major life event that will change your perspective on that: parenthood. Not only can you not procreate on your own, but try raising healthy, functional children to adulthood without involving anyone else but yourself. True, the entire dissident right could embrace celibacy and childlessness, but that's probably not a feasible solution, especially not long term. The answer to a tyrannical state is not hyperindividualism; hyperindividualism and collectivism are two tools wielded by the same managerial state to keep the population manageable. However effective you are on your own, you will be orders of magnitude more effective in conjunction with even a small tribe. There is a reason the regime wants everyone isolated, and it's not because it makes you stronger and more effective.

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I'd rather think in terms of an ideology that could drive policy decisions that would help win a civil war.

A question that faced Gen. Wrangel of the White Russians was land reform: he had to do some of it, to get the peasants on his side. This relates to a larger question of which forms of inherited privilege should be retained (in his dilemma: property rights).

Here is my proposal: we don't necessarily respect all property rights, but we respect inequalities of breeding. That is: we allow the talented to rise. Crimes that indicate fundamental problems in breeding would lead to the death penalty and possibly even sanctions on close blood relatives. For example: most murders; rape or repeated thefts. In civil wars there is always an element of "scum", and these will tend to go to the Bolshevik or anarchist side. Because we don't want this element in our polity at all, we encourage them by this policy to leave for the enemy side, where they act as a disruptive force. Meanwhile, our approach of respecting inequalities of blood brings the naturally talented to our side.

The policy of extremely harsh treatment of serious crimes also has great advantages in a civil-war situation for acceptance our rule-- since this would quickly bring peace and quiet to areas under our side's control, while the enemy's territory would likely become a free-for-all.

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