The very notion of 'Citizenship' is rendered Moot if the Right to Participate in Civic Life (i.e. what Voting is SUPPOSED TO BE, but is not at present) is something people 'throw out like Candy' to everyone else. Non-citizens should not be able to Vote.

No nation however 'democratic' (be it Direct, Representative, etc.) can survive such a Farce.

If they pursue such a path, Citizenship itself becomes meaningless & worthy of derision.

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This might be benefiting Red districts more than Blue, since a large fraction of the Mexican and Central American immigrants work in agriculture.

That is, until their children start voting.

The Left plays Long Ball.

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Some "democracy" we're defending here. Our representatives can import new people to get the election results they want (and this is after so many of the jobs have been exported to China and wherever else) against the desires of an overwhelming majority of citizens. Even when politicians get elected on platforms of dealing with illegal immigration, they never do. The chamber of commerce wing of the GOP gets cheap labor, the Democrats get the election victories, and the regular people consistently get the opposite of what they want.

I wish there was a way to look at this and be optimistic or have something practical that we can do to change it. Maybe the silver lining is the way this issue shows how much the political and economic elite hate the heritage population of this country -- there really is no other way to interpret this, especially given the rapidly expanding scale of this problem -- and that knowledge brings the kind of clarity that's been missing from our politics.

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The sad reality is that the politicians who are acting against the interests of their constituents are all elected by those same constituents. Look at the Rust Belt -- people who lost their jobs when the Political Class exported productive industry to China & India still reliably voted for the Democrat politicians who sold them out. It has been said that an elected politician is more likely to die in office than to be voted out.

Look in the mirror. We the People are the weak link in this "democracy".

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Based on the map, I'd say the invasion already happened. Gregarious continental city-dwellers crowded onto the shores bringing their socialist voting habits with them, and still linger around the ports, rootless.

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