7 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

This is and was always about the vast Lithium deposits that are in NC. The towns in the vicinity have effectively blocked any mining operations. These deposits are worth billions! The more dead people the storm could kill the better as well as those who die due to lack of medical services or lack of water for hydration. Less people, less hassle, far easier land grab. This is the work of truly evil and irredeemable people.

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Steered right there for this very reason.

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I will add that the same thing happened to the Salton Sea.


"Ghost towns and toxic fumes: How an idyllic California lake became a disaster

Once a hot tourist destination, experts say the Salton Sea has become the worst environmental and public health crisis in modern history."


"Lithium is one of the foundational elements of our modern world, and a billionaire-backed startup is trying to dig it up from beneath the dead Salton Sea. Could this new company finally beat the odds in California’s “graveyard for lithium extraction”?

That’s how founder David Snydacker characterizes the Imperial Valley, directly east of San Diego along the very southern edge of California. Snydacker’s group Lilac Solutions just received $20 million in funding from a venture capital firm specializing in energy, with marquee investors Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, and Bill Gates."

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Same as it ever was. The Hatfield-McCoy feud was a nothingburger that journalists were bribed to push because it dehumanized mountain people that the coal companies wanted to steal land from.

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MSM isn’t reporting on the devastation or the failing government aid. Local stations are doing the reporting to a degree but there’s zero trickle up to the national news, all by design of course.

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Nothing about mining lithium, aluminum, uranium, etc. is clean and it’s all environmentally unsafe. No modern advances have been made as they have with coal. The Salton Sea will remain a disaster albeit in a new way.

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If it weren't already obvious that the Regime in DC is a foreign occupation force that is the enemy of the (real) people of America, this ought to snap a few more souls out of the illusion.

Hurricane Michael hit part of the Florida panhandle back in 2018 and they still haven't recovered. In a time of decline, every natural disaster is a community erased off the map. That's what I expect to see here, on a larger scale. The ruling class doesn't care (or takes glee in the destruction) and the general public still thinks America has the capabilities of 1970.

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The Mega Trillionaire Phoenician Black Nobility are Satanic... They follow the Satanic Religion, The Old Religion for 10,000 years

This AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 1 - The Satanic History of the World Part 1 is the first volume in a series of books written in order to delineate the Satanic History of the World proving not only that the "Old Religion"of Satanism has been the hidden Religion of the World from 10,000 years before Christ but also even now Satanism is the Religion of the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires of the Black Nobility, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and is guiding the Post Human Transhumanic vision of eugenocide for 99% of the World's population and of Immortality for the Satanic Elite today.

Protect Yourself against the Satanic Science of Energy Blockages with The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation Course. Innoculate yourself Against Globalism by Downloading.. Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism in Eleven Volumes by Satchidanand.

We know the effects of meeting one psychopath and the destruction he can wreak in our lives. Wisdom teachings teach how to overcome their strategies and,"stay away from evil".

Satanism, - The Old Religion" - is when all the satanic psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world - a Eugenocide to reduce the population by 99% with Covid-19, MRNA vaccines and their poisonous spike proteins and sv40 cancer viruses, CBDC digital Currencies, Social Credit Scores, De-banking, destruction of the economy through Climate Change Policies killing cattle, stopping petroleum and coal, reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer preduction, reducing food production, inducing starvation for billions together with middle class destroying lockdowns and oxygen destroying muzzles - to their benefit.

Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of truth".

British Destruction of France with its created French Revolution and Jacobins, commanded by Palmerston, Necker, Bentham, Mazzini and Masonry.

Karl Marx wrote Communism Das Kapital from his office in the British National Library in London from the notes of Ambassador Urquhart. The British Superagent Marx creation of Communism in London overturning and degenerating Russia with Jacobin Bolsheviks and Agents Lenin and Stalin - 60 millions murdered and China with Superagent Mao - 100 millions murdered.

Satanic Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolshevics and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. killed 160 million people in the 20th century..

Against Satanism by Satchidanand Volumes 1-12 - “The Occulted Satanic History of the World” - Your Worldview Will Never Be the Same! - in an easily downloadable file from our own website.


George Soros is worth about 8 billion and his family owns Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations racket. George Soros a Hungarian Jew was originally born George Schwartz and he admitted to working with the Nazis and confiscating property from other Jews during WWII. The Soros family are involved with financing Nazi style gang stalking, human trafficking to Wiccan covens, and financing criminal political organizations used to disrupt societies around the world like Black Lives Matter. The name Schwartz means Black. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg has stated that he has known George Soros for 30 years. The Soros family are agents of the Austrian Schwarzenbergs and the Austrian-Hungarian Pallavicinis.

George Clooney is a top authority in Hollywood and he is with the Venetian Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata who works with the Venetian Mafia. George Clooney is also friends with the former Mayor of Rome and he owns a villa in Italy on Lake Como where the Odescalchi and Erba nobles ruled. Clooney was also married in Venice at the palazzo that is owned by the Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family which are married with the Savoys.

Download this!


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In an emergency or natural disaster 1 redneck is better than 1000 PhDs.

Goat 🐐 borne rescue supplies.


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7 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

They've done the same thing over here in Germany back in June when Southern Germany was flooded. Usually the whole country is up in tools and ready to help if an area got hit by a natural disaster. But this time everyone got sent back at specific checkpoints "We've got everything under control. Your help is not needed!" It was rather bizarre because not even the army was mobilized to help which is usually the first thing we do during major catastrophes. It might be some new "Spiel" they're playing. Trying to discourage people from helping.

Anyway, people tried to hold the responsible politicians accountable, but those ***kers are immune. They resign and that's about it when it comes to consequences.

Let's face it guys, they've shown us how much they hate us during Covid-19. I'm a fan of government but it is evident that our Western governments have been hijacked by evil.

I hope that the people who got hit by that hurricane still get all the help they need. Being an American man has never been more in demand I guess.

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I am so sorry.

My ethnicity is German, with some Austrian. Never made it to visit, although I’ve longed to. Other family members have, though.

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Can you tell me exactly who built and ran the USSR murder machine? I'll tell you. It's the exact same group of people who are running America today.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

Thank you. In Australia, but am seeing the beginning of this sort of evil here as well.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

Can you give an example ?

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6 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

The Federal and State Governments caving into Leftist Greens on water "conservation" is destroying family farms and communities. "Aboriginal" land rights (Native Title) driven by the Left has led to over 50% of the country (mostly rural and outback areas) owned by less than 2% of the population, with Whites now paying for "heritage assessments" by Abos before they develop land. Regional Australia is under attack from inner city globalists who'd like us all to wither up and die. I have no doubt we're heading down the US path at a rapid rate.

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This is war, State versus Citizens. Why? It can only be about money 💰... or hate. 🤷

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Why not both?

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Why not love? Of America that used to be, of liberty, of moral rightness, of God?

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We’ve been “couped” by those who don’t follow those values. The people here are no longer in control - if we/they ever really were.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

Wonderfully lucid writing, as always—thank you. (And may God's grace be clearly manifest through these circumstances for all affected.) Peace


“It is that the exorcist towers above the poet and even the prophet; that the story between Cana and Calvary is one long war with demons. He understood better than a hundred poets the beauty of the flowers of the battlefield; but he came out to battle. And if most of his words mean anything they do mean that there is at our very feet, like a chasm concealed among flowers, an unfathomable evil.”

—G.K. Chesterton, The New Jerusalem

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"Will you be willing to disobey..."

Yes. Planning on it, in fact. So are others.

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The FOREST of woe ...

Will American citizens ever understand what is being coerced onto them ???

Will they ever set new priorities, reshuffle them and act accordingly ???

Being gullible in kindergarten may be quite funny, but not in real, current life ...

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I'm stealing that line "the forest of woe"

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Done correctly, the frog in the pot never notices the slow boil. It's a clever strategy.

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Kermit the Frog was predictive programming :-D

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Yes, and I hope you noticed that I said "strategy" rather than "tactic". This is all part of the Long March, Gramsci, Cloward-Piven...nth.

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I'm reminded of the old adage that "there is much ruin in a nation."

I actually live in the path of Hurricane Helene - not, thankfully, in one of the towns that flooded; some people in my town lost power for a few days (I didn't) and so schools and churches and some stores were closed for the next four days after the storm. (College football was unaffected; our team played its Saturday evening game in front of a packed audience with the usual amount of tailgating. We southerners have our priorities.)

And I agree with you that much of what was destroyed will never be rebuilt. (After all America's infrastructure, especially in small towns/flyover country, has been declining for decades). I wouldn't go so far as to call it an "eschaton," though.

I mean, think of it. Covid was much more damaging to Americans than the hurricane, both in terms of the number killed, and the number put out of work; most Americans believe that their government helped create it (by funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan) and yet... the resulting loss of trust didn't change much of anyone's behavior. We grumbled; we moved on with life. Decline is slow.

Back during the peak of the Floyd Riots, a lot of people were looking at the elites' apparent indifference to the destruction of their civilization and saying things like "The system collapse of the US society has begun!" And other such claims that the end was nigh. I wrote a blog post entitled "Honorius and the Slowness of Decline" about how even when the elites at the helm of a society act like blithering idiots in the face of every catastrophe that doesn't effect them personally... the society can still keep plodding along for a century or so before the curtain falls.


The example I talked about in detail in that essay was, of course, Rome during the late 4th and earth 5th centuries, when Honorius was on the throne and the barbarians were pillaging the empire while the ruling class tried its best to act like everything was normal. But 19th century China works just as well, or the Moghul Empire in the 18th century, or what have you. The point of it is, decline is slow, and just because a certain portion of a society is getting shafted by the powers that be, doesn't mean that we should start expecting the whole thing to roll over and die in a year or two.

But yeah, FEMA's treatment of the folks in Appalachia has certainly been trashy.

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I don't want to settle for being told to embrace a new normal like it was just a cyclic Carteresque malaise, something we need to live with. It doesn't have to be this way. You get a case of hot lava volcanic diarrhea, you take Imodium-AD. You get super constipated, you take an industrial grade purgative. This country needs a purgative. Further, "trashy" implies rude, indifferent customer service to me. I'd describe FEMA as criminally inept.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

In answer to your ending question. Yes.


Excellent report. Thank you.

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Just as an offhand comment as someone in the trades - a lot of these hardships can be avoided the more you know about construction and demand good construction of your homes and buildings. I see a bunch of corners cut in the places I've worked over the years, and heard stories of more. Especially in the places like Asheville where the housing market gets hot, or Florida where there's a bunch of Fraud in insurance claims. No first hand experience in either market, but it's what you hear online.

Anyways, knowing what you look for when you purchase a house helps. Knowing a flood plain, what it is, and not to buy in it, helps.

It doesn't get you out of major disasters. It doesn't solve things when your government abandons you.

But, when your government, and societal, infrastructure is disappearing.... You better make sure that the assets you have are quality assets. Community. Family. Friends. Church. Home. Etc.

Just some thoughts.

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So true. I was ignorant when I bought my first home, and paid the price in constant problems.

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Just read recently that the local police or sheriffs are arresting fema if they try to stop, disturb, derail, or otherwise make the pains in the asses they are being paid to make.i say put them in jail,the risky ones that might have a couple feet if water in them, and charge them with treason.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

You what's the only way this could be worse? If FEMA took the confisc--sorry, stolen stuff and gave it to illegal migrants. Naturally, somebody should keep an eye on that, because I asses 50% chance of that happening.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Tree of Woe

Media has already debunked FEMA spending most of it’s budget on illegals.

In spite of FEMA saying the reason it has no money is it spent $1.4B on illegals since 2022.

Google “FEMA out of funds, spent money on illegals” or similar and you get a lot of “fact check: false” type articles. Somewhere down the list you might find reference to this:

“Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas set off outrage Wednesday when he told reporters that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “does not have the funds” to see Americans through the rest of this Atlantic hurricane season — after the agency spent more than $1.4 billion since the fall of 2022 to address the migrant crisis.”


What us stupid peasants seem to be missing is that FEMA listed the $1.4B on a different spreadsheet than the “save White people” fund, and so it doesn’t count as money not spent to save White people because it was never intended to save White people. And that is why we can’t claim that they spent money on non-White people instead of White people.

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