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Oh of course. And we will make up for said loss of technological prowess with increases in overall intensity in behaviour; especially when it comes to inflicting crimes.

You would be surprised how hard people can pull with their bare hands and fingernails (cracking them both) when they are starving. Brutally Quartering a grown man (alive and struggling of course) into multiple pieces with the fluids all still fresh is not only in the table, but will become a rite of passage soon given How quickly things are progressing.

If the hunger pangs are strong enough; breaking bones in your arms to rip apart someone’s thigh.. is child’s play!

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The dying time will rather quickly give way to a new normal at lower population densities, those that survive will marvel at the beauty that arises from the deathlands.

Life finds a way.

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Oh I agree.

There will be a beauty to the butchery; be it the children mauled and then hoisted up on pikes and then the meat being stored up or something else. Kind of akin to the “old world” (i.e the one we live in) where the nordics store all that fish and preserve it the way they do.

Life certainly “finds a way”. Especially the sort of way that breaks people in mind, body and soul.

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I get the dour doomspeaker larp, but it does get old. Anthropophagy will of course happen in extremis, but it doesn't make practical domestic-economy sense to raise humans as meat-stock, not unless all other possible herd animals are extinct. Nuclear war isn't actually that destructive, nuclear winter is just as much a scientific lie as global warming.

All of this has happened before and will happen again.

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It’s doomporn; the level above doomspeech.

Oh it certainly does get old. But what I have gleaned in the last few years or so is that the human being is not primarily driven by concerns of economy and simplicity.

Often, institutions, habits and tendencies develop in spite of those considerations saying otherwise. Ergo, the entry of aforementioned doomporn (and we can focus on other varieties in the coming hellscape) onto the scene.

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LOL, I'll start calling you Violence Jack from now on.


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Think about it this way (and I will shift to a slightly more serious tone):

The concept of man and woman… something so fundamental to the human being that you can find little to no economic, social, biological, etc “precedent” to say “this has promise and longevity into the distant future”

…. Such a farce is now pursued by nations amounting to nearly 1 billion people on the planet.

Why on earth then would you think and postulate that something fundamental like (say) “don’t maul and feast on fried kiddie parts!” Is somehow more safe from demolition than the former?

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Outbreaks of naked diabolism will certainly happen. But any people who give themselves over to those demons will be destroyed thereby. Eventually another people will give such demonic hosts the same treatment Rome gave Carthage.

There will be an Eclipse, but the Sun will rise again.

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My friend:

Is it merely an outbreak? People said the same thing about the Alphabet people when they first arrived on the scene.

Giving oneself over to demons destroys not merely said people, but it also spreads like contagion to one's neighbours.

The only solution in that case is pre-emptive Slaughter to stop said contagion. And as you correctly note Rome onto Carthage is a classic motif (we find this with other peoples as well) repeated time and again.

The Sun will rise.... but that it will Rise over Humanity is one thing; and it rising over a Posthuman species is wholly another matter.

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The realist answer is - time will tell.

My bet on the table is as such: The alphabetti seem to be more than they are, because they control the media and mediate a hyper-reality where they are more than they are. But this is mere sorcery, a glamour. And this false image will be banished like fog at first light. It may be that containing this outbreak requires my own life and that of my house. I'm sure there were also good men at Carthage and Sodom and Gamorrah.

It is what it is.

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Doom can only be deferred via “time will tell” for only so long.

Let us hope you are correct and I am wrong: and these postulates that the Human being will come to an end… all of that is merely erroneous.

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Well... *Actually*, other than Lot (Who seems to embody a VERY generous definition of 'Good'), Abraham couldn't find even 10 Good Men at the local S&G...

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