I could quibble over some of these items. For example, before the home mortgage deduction and FHA, this country had an awful lot of people renting. Subsidized home ownership was seen as a means of fending off communism. And trust in government has been violently low in the past as well.
But on the whole I agree. And I dare say that this could well be the Big One on the way. We are experiencing a great Falling Away that is unprecedented in Christendom. Over my lifetime the US has gone from being an especially Christian first world nation to being a crusader for sodomy. And this business of banks and other providers cutting off businesses which don't kowtow to transexuals reminds me greatly of the Number of the Beast prophecy.
Humans have the technology to implement many of the dire events of Revelations. Nukes can provide the fire and brimstone. Recombinant DNA can provide the plagues. Robotic drones could be the prophesied "stinging insects." We don't have the tech to divert an asteroid to fulfill the Wormwood prophecy, but it's on the way. There's money in them thar asteroids, and SpaceX has been busy.
There is no Temple yet to desecrate, so we probably have a few decades.
And this could be a false alarm.
I am of the tentative opinion that humans have a bit of a say in the matter of when the dire events befall. See the last chapters of Deuteronomy or the Book of Jonah for precedents.
And so I attempt to fight back against forces that resemble the prophesied AntiChrist.
No doubt. Hell, I could quibble with some of the items too! But I have found if I quibble too much, I end up not writing anything, and it's better for me to just push the ideas out there in the world then ruminate upon my doubts.
This blog is really me thinking out loud, and sometimes I get it wrong or miss an important detail, like forgetting about the existence of Glubb's Fate of Empires last essay... But that's ok, then I just get to learn cool stuff when I read the comments.
It is better to put forth a strong argument with flaws than a perfectly boring vacillation. Reality will provide us with the ineffable ordinariness of everything; we gather here to leaven it with the heady wine of Woe!
“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford
Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞
I have to strongly disagree there that there's a falsehood underlying all these categories.
Certainly some of my readers do think we're doomed regardless of our actions, and have told me so anytime I urged action or agenda items. But group #2 (Doomhopers) certainly does not think that: Group #2 definitely believes there's things we can do to affect how the future turns out.
I count myself as part of that group and have put my money where my mouth is, devoting my professional work to a campaign of counter-spoliation of pop culture. What makes we Doomhopers "doomish" is just that we don't expect enough other people to join the movement to make a difference until things get worse. Only then can they get better. (And note I said "can get better" not "will get better" -- I'm arguing for a possibility of human action, not an inevitability.)
I believe the point of contention is with regard to the *timing* aspect. At least that is how I read his reply.
Category-2 (i.e. the "Doomhopers") would not fit the bill since the Doom must transpire PRIOR to the situation getting better in their mind. So even they too are pessimists with regard to Human Action + Choices 'stopping the runaway train'.
Whereas OP is saying that the Doom need not OCCUR anyhow, so long as a given set of actions transpire. In that sense, the 'runaway train can be stopped' and (OP implies this) all of the four categories pursue falsehood in denying that.
Prickgressives, Libertardians, and Cuckservatives all want a theocracy with its own “epistemology,” from either London Jew Karl Marx or from Russian Jew Ayn Rand, both were progenitors of the godless open borders multiculturalism plaguing the West today.
They all believe the same thing... they all believe their weenies come from heaven and that this gives them some sanctified right to be a divine prick playing god over the lives of others.
Mammonism and Bolshevism are Jewish stepsisters.
“Morality” and any associated ideal is rooted entirely in a presupposition some higher power defines what is correct for human behavior. And since you are a moral, religious person, you are supposed to “spread the other cheek” and do what the psychiatrist, rabbi, priest, imam, or lama says.
People sometimes ask why it is that the European Left gets on so well with Muslims. Why does a movement that has often been overtly anti-religious take the side of a fierce religiosity that seems opposed to almost everything the Left has ever claimed to represent? Part of the explanation is that both Islam and Marxism have a common ideological root: Judaism.
“Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws. They either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race.” — François-Marie Voltaire
Both those things are compatible. Namely, you can have both being true simultaneously:
1) Human Action + Choices make a significant impact on how the future turns out.
2) The future is a Hobbesian, Posthuman, Vile Hellhole.
It all comes down to the Intentions and Motives behind our psyches which find expression (in part) through our Actions and Choices.
Eventually (when the latter two are iterated long enough) you still get the Hellhole; perhaps in a delayed fashion (with blips here and there of "Hope"), but that it does come about is almost "deterministic" given how Human Nature operates.
So you basically have the funnel of:
Human Actions + Choices change the Future -> Near Future is "less bad" than expected -> Human Motives + Intentions (behind Actions + Choices) find expression -> New set of Human Actions + Choices generated -> Far Future Posthuman Hobbesian Hellhole.
I am reminded in particular about this essay back in the day which helped me graduate from being a virgin doomsayer to becoming a chad doompornographer:
This paper in particular speaks about an oscillating sine wave (with regard to the overall human condition) and the possibility that it may stay stagnant (later writers built on the concept and considered the sine wave oscillating downward). These all are part of the “recurrent collapse” scenario him and his colleagues examined.
Mwuah! *chef’s kiss* Perfection!
Of course, being a Transhumanist; professor Bostrom does tend toward the “hopespeaking” camp… but that will not in anyway impede any aspiring doomsayer or doompornographer from utilizing his essays and writings to Maul the typical naive hopespeaker!
Seeking historical patterns is a bit like recording the cartwheels as one's car hurtles over a cliff. Yes, I suppose one can deduce meaning from each cartwheel but, at the end of the day, only two things matter:
(1) Why is my car hurtling over a cliff?
(2) What is going to happen when this fascinating flight is interrupted?
So as to America, rise and fall thereof, it is really much more simple. By 1970, with 10% of the world's population, the US was absorbing 80% of the world's resources. Yet 40% of the US population was living in poverty and 12% were suffering permanent severe brain damage due to malnutrition. This system was called The American Dream. This was happening for 3 reasons:
(1) By owning the media and publishers, the 1% elite controlled all thought and speech. This enabled them to create and exploit national belife systems, especially that:
(a) America is a democracy;
(b) God is American;
(c) America embraces equal opportunity;
(d) America only leaves its shores to protect "Freedom & Democracy";
(e) Foreign rebels are jealous of America's freedoms.
(2) By 2022, the US had invaded 60 sovereign nations since WWII and enslaved their residents.
(3) The elite, smouldering in megalomania, and terminal insularity and psychopathy, had decided to destroy everybody else.
The rest of world rebelled and started a new system. By 23 of March 2023 (today), the US and its prime allies, the G7, had a declining 30.7% global share of GDP whilst BRICS enjoyed 31.5%, destined to rise to 33% by years end with the addition of 3 new members.
The US-based mRNA democide, plus blowback against the Ukraine war and and failed sanctions against Russia, has set 40% of nations against the US.
By 2020, the American Empire was clearly dying but, as all monsters do, lashed blindly out in its death throes.
Reactions to recent outrages and wars, plus a century of armed aggression, has inspired a global curse on America. Its demise will accelorate.
I always tell the “hopespeaking” Yankee exceptionalists that it’s less a matter of Murica finally succumbing to its vices and evils in about 250 years, and more that the rest of the world finally (and it took a quarter of a millennia to do so) bringing the pirate and rogue Yankee to Heel once and for all.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to bomb everybody else's for the love of Jesus and Israel . . . The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the new official religion of the United States government . . .
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
“Apple roared into the TV game with The Morning Show, a super drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China. You say you’re woke, but the companies you work for, it’s unbelievable—Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent.” — Ricky Gervais
“Communism all over the world, and not only in Russia, is Jewish.” — Henry Ford
“Do you want to know the cause of war? It is capitalism, greed, the dirty hunger for dollars. Take away the capitalist, and you will sweep war from the earth.” — Henry Ford
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire
“I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made . . . But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.” — François-Marie Voltaire
The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the new official religion of the United States government . . . We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to keep bombing someone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel . . .
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
God is definitely not an American. I sometimes wonder if Jesus' scathing comment,
(Matthew)"…21Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’…"
Was not said specifically (but not exclusively) to them that believe He is.
I don't know where you're getting your theology, but the Talmud condemns Jesus Christ to be put in a pot of boiling excrement. They aren't his fans.
Satan would fit the definition of 'god' Small 'G', but I suspect that's not what you meant.
The United States Government is run by Satanists who HATE the Ancient of Days. They refer to Jesus as 'Dull Care' and have a yearly ritual where they burn Him in Effigy.
The Nation-State of Israel is NOT the Hebrew nation of old, but they and the US use the ignorance of most American Christians for their own ends. Compounding the problem is that there are more 'Churchians' in America, led by New Age, Self-Help Gurus posing as pastors like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen.
The Abuse of something does not negate the truth of it.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle > > > Writes Nordic Pagan Soldier
Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
Oh, I should add that in addition to God not being an American, the 1% of the 1% are not 'Americans', either. We are a Big Fat Sheep that is being sheared (with the proceeds being used to feed the next Big Sheep, China.) and the Elites do this job with glee.
“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.” ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
“Control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it.” ― Henry Ford
“Now you know I’m going to be lambasted and called anti-Semitic… They’ll say he was up to his old canards; he said Jews control Hollywood. Well, they said it themselves! Jews control the media. They said it themselves!” — Louis Farrakhan
I... I don't get it. What are you trying to say? That a Secret Cabal of Men are doing Secret Things? Well THAT'S a Shocker! O.o
Jesus Called The Ball 2,000 years ago when he revealed that much (not all) of the Jewish Religious Leadership were, 'Sons of their Father, The Devil.' But THAT is the key, not being 'Jewish' per se. Many Jews are Servants of Satan, not all Servants of Satan are Jewish.
Last year I sent an email in to 'State of the Nation', because of an article they published (Which I linked in my earlier post.). What it says regarding Bohemian Grove is the closest we peons will ever get in terms of 'official' documentation about whom the 1% of the 1% serve. That is all that matters.
Володымыр Зеленский, израильский оперативник, скоро сбежит в дом своей матери в Израиле . . . В украинском парламенте полно еврейских аппаратчиков. Украина должна забыть о Крыме и НАТО. Власть на Украине в сговоре с олигархами, им никто не противостоит.
Ожесточенные марксисты ненавидят кавказцев . . . Еврейские банкиры заполнили Европу мусульманами, а Америку мусором из стран третьего мира . . . Евреи - нечистые демоны, как и турки . . . Гитлер был прав.
I had no idea that the interesting times proverb was fake, but then, of course it is. Apparently it originated with a forgotten American politician, who claimed to have heard it from a British diplomat friend.
Things are certainly bleak, and where they aren't bleak they're highly uncertain. I'm inclined to see the chaos we're living through as the birth pangs of whatever comes next ... which will hopefully be even more interesting. The universe is biased towards the creation of novelty, it seems to me. I can't see the 4.5 gigayears of biological development, increasing encephalization, and rising metabolic energy density culminating in a dead waste. Well, I CAN see that happening, but I don't think that's the plan. At least I hope not.
No man knows the future ... and in times like these, that might be the only ray of hope we really have.
With only a handful of nations able to feed themselves, none in Africa, a steady depletion of energy resources, and significant declines in IQ all over the West, there will be a great drop in population over the next 100 years...It will be a smaller world, but a much better one with neocon crazies no longer having the ability to wreck the place...Wildlife will rebound, and people will get back to spirituality...
People will certainly "get back to spirituality".... The type that involves summoning Djinn and Demons a la Mass ritualized genocides of whole communities.
People often forget: "Spirituality" is a value neutral term.
Cannibals who reside in the mangrove forests of Bengal are "very Spiritual" for instance. Especially when they eat fried Human brains.
I am confused. Why is foreseeing the doom of the Whig-Atlantean Imperium cause for anything but hope?
What keeps me awake is not the prospect of a return to barbarism (that we should be so blessed!) but that the Empire of Lies shambles through the crisis more or less essentially intact. If we go back to looking at our Spengler, Roman style collapses are quite rare, in fact even Rome's case, only the Western half collapses in the way we think of the word 'collapse'. The Eastern half reforms and zombies on. Egypt, China, and India have each unified and 'collapsed' but not very hard into factions, and then re-unified multiple times over their long histories. Even if Atlantis 'falls' there is little guarantee that her successors won't be themselves Inhuman Whigs ruling us with chains of debt and finance and poison.
Short reply: the fall of any unipolar order (however demonic, evil, etc) has always (and the history books testify to this) brought about unbridled chaos.
More details: the fall of the Dajjalic West will usher in a Hobbesian posthuman epoch most likely (given the fact that any limited use of nukes will destroy world agriculture and food reserves intractably). And even if we somehow miraculously avoid nuclear war:
The future will be one where nerve stapled genetic slaves, cannibalism and necrophilia would still be common; since the collapse and devouring of the West (boxer rebellion style ) by the rest of the world will usher in an “all against all” fight for hegemony.
There is no such thing as a “multipolar “ world. That is a romantic farce. What actually exists (when we stop using euphemisms) is Great Power conflict (with nukes of course ) That is the future state of affairs.
Yes, but once the nukes are used up we will lack the resources, both in industry and brainpower to make more (dirty little secret, we've lost and had to reverse engineer the techniques for making the aerogels used in fusion physics packages once already). We will need a long medieval climb back up the eugenic ladder to recover our quality in breed.
Speaking in terms of realist diplomacy and statecraft, a concert of great powers is of course possible, and has in fact happened before, but this requires each of the great powers to be willing to refrain from pretensions to the ecumenical imperial throne. What this means in practice is that any particular concert has a lifespan, just as does any civilisation or nation.
Oh of course. And we will make up for said loss of technological prowess with increases in overall intensity in behaviour; especially when it comes to inflicting crimes.
You would be surprised how hard people can pull with their bare hands and fingernails (cracking them both) when they are starving. Brutally Quartering a grown man (alive and struggling of course) into multiple pieces with the fluids all still fresh is not only in the table, but will become a rite of passage soon given How quickly things are progressing.
If the hunger pangs are strong enough; breaking bones in your arms to rip apart someone’s thigh.. is child’s play!
The dying time will rather quickly give way to a new normal at lower population densities, those that survive will marvel at the beauty that arises from the deathlands.
There will be a beauty to the butchery; be it the children mauled and then hoisted up on pikes and then the meat being stored up or something else. Kind of akin to the “old world” (i.e the one we live in) where the nordics store all that fish and preserve it the way they do.
Life certainly “finds a way”. Especially the sort of way that breaks people in mind, body and soul.
I get the dour doomspeaker larp, but it does get old. Anthropophagy will of course happen in extremis, but it doesn't make practical domestic-economy sense to raise humans as meat-stock, not unless all other possible herd animals are extinct. Nuclear war isn't actually that destructive, nuclear winter is just as much a scientific lie as global warming.
All of this has happened before and will happen again.
You're kidding right? Both of your examples are the poisonous fruit of the tree named Atlantis. This are the gifts of the 'civilisation' of the temple-bankers and zigguraut builders, of Baal and Ashtoreth.
So called 'barbarism' is merely the political-economy of the manor, the palace, of hearth and home, of reality, real production of real goods and tribal kith and kin and the pledge of troth and oath. So called 'civilisation' is nothing other Sodom and Gamorah. It was Cain who builded the first city.
You really have no idea how the world works do you? You see and suffer from civilization breaking down and reason that if civilization didn't exist, you wouldn't have to deal with it's break down.
The tendency to romanticize barbarianism is one of the hallmarks of a decadent civilization. People who regularly interact with barbarians never romanticize them.
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
Oh yeah, though you didn't mention it, yet *another* 'looming catastrophe is the so-called, 'Water Shortage Crisis'. As with most of this Tripe of Terror list, it is a manufactured problem.
Back in 2001, I took my Dad out to Norfolk, Virginia, primarily so that we could tour the Iowa-Class Battleship, the U.S.S. Wisconsin (Which is where we are from.) My goal was to take him to visit all of them, but sadly he passed away before I could complete that quest.
Anyway, I learned that the ship could desalinate *100,000* Gallons of seawater PER DAY, to provide water for the steam engines & obviously drinking water for the nearly 3,000 crewmen. This got me thinking- If something like that could be done with late 1930's tech and as a Secondary function, at that, it should be child's play to build 'Water Derricks' at sea that could process Millions of gallons per day.
Which made it clear to me back then, that if the Gubbamint starts wailing about water shortages, they are doing it on purpose.
Look at your water bill. If a family of three uses 5000 gallons/month, then that ship could support 3 * 25 * 30 = 2250 people living on a modern middle class water ration. (My family uses more, but we are more wasteful than Californians, since water is abundant where I live.)
With conservation, recycling, or nuclear stills, we can provide for a lot of people, but there is a lifestyle cost.
Nuclear? Did you say NUCLEAR!? Why, YES I THINK I *WILL*-
Oh. Right. That's not what you meant. ^_~
Still Speaking Nuclearly though (heh), our paranoia about Nuclear *Power* is another sticking point for me. I mean, for Pete's sake, back in 1985 it was a foregone conclusion Nuclear Fusion power would be old hat by now (Hence the 'Mr. Fusion' that Doc Brown loads his DeLorean up with at the end of 'Back to the Future'.) yet per capita we are using less nuclear power than ever. Not even Fusion, crappy old Fission at that. :-P
I researched energy bigly back in high school, when it was the national debate topic. After reading article after article about how fusion was just around the corner, I am not surprised that it is still just around the corner. Placing superconducting magnets next to a heat source from running gas turbines is tricky. And there are other issues.
On the other hand, we use only a small fraction of the fissionables that we have already mined. Figure our how to breed U238 or thorium safely and we have enough power to last for centuries before needing fusion.
With proper regulation and a culture of competence, nuclear is safer than solar. Petr Beckmann wrote a book on the subject decades ago. Today, see B.F. Randall;s Mining Atoms Substack. https://bfrandall.substack.com/
Your brain will be cryogenically frozen so that centuries Down the line it can be nerve stapled back onto some automaton so that the posthuman later generations can “exact their revenge on those older generations responsible for this mess” (not really; it will be more like a spoilt brat’s temper tantrum and scapegoating ) such as yourself.
So don’t count yourself out yet good sir! Doom comes for everyone!
Has there been another Empire largely ruled by a foreign tribe that truly hates the heritage population and feels a moral obligation to hurt it and destroy their culture? Sure there have been conquered nations that were oppressed and exploited but we have something else going on here.
Most Americans still view the nation as sovereign. It really isn't.
When I read your list, what jumped out to me was that almost every item that is destroying the country was and is intentional but our greatest taboos are to criticize the tribe ruling us and to acknowledge their power.
Consequently we seem to be in uncharted waters and I can only assume the worst at least for the next century.
Well, allegedly Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn believed that the Soviet Union was such an empire. I have seen those quote attributed to him:
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."
I do not know the source of the quote so it may not reflect his true beliefs. In any case, it certainly looks like the Bolsheviks hated the Russian people...
The quote comes from 200 years together, his last book and, not surprisingly, the only one not translated into English.
Good point. However, Stalin was one of the few not in the tribe and exorcized most of them from important positions in the party. The only way I can see that in America's case is if Indians and Chinese do a hostile takeover of the ruling class. They see whites as inferior but do not hate us. They simply use anti white hate when it benefits them because they know it works and is well received by the tribe and Good Whites.
The Dajjal will come from the Jews. Ergo; harvesting the white population is key. Be it mentally and spiritually via pornography, drugs, alcohol, etc or physically via wage slavehood, the employment rat race, etc: all is going according to plan. Their AI “god” ( a false one of course ) is imminent once the harvest is ripe.
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞
The myth of overpopulation is easily debunked right now:
Take the total planetary population and estimate 1000 sq ft per person
That's roughly a space the size of Texas. It doesn't even account for multilevel structures (so if you include single person housing of 2-3 stories each, you could triple that space for each person, family housing would be double or more of that... Huge houses!)
Not that'd I'd advocate for packing people THAT densely, but as a what if...
How much land for agriculture is left? The rest of the planet... AND Plenty of room for recreation spaces and natural venues, massive energy production zones whether they be nuclear, solar, wind, etc, etc.
The entire planet is still fairly empty of people. Even if you split that Texas sized space into 5-7 pieces and doubled and redoubled the land for each, the planet is not nearly full of people (and clearly has lots of resources). Even if you dislike cities and want more room, consider that thought experiment.
It's all propaganda and control... All the way down.
There are diseconomies of scale for transportation that need to be dealt with as you go up in city size. Wide freeways have more lane change action. And more drainage issues as well.
Garbage and sewage needs to be transported farther as a city spreads out.
Urban heat island effects grow.
Air pollution has farther to travel.
Food transport vehicles have more distance to travel to get to grocery stores.
Visit Mubai. Then tell me how the planet is underpopulated.
And India has been civilized far longer than Northern Europe.
And I never want to be a civilized as Japan. They pay a huge psychic toll for their clean streets.
The United States is what it is in significant part because it has a low population compared to it's carrying capacity. We are farther from the Malthusian Limit than most of the world. The Europeans who settled this land got doubly lucky/blessed:
We got a largely empty land thanks to natives dying off from our diseases and vices.
We got the benefit of the Industrial Revolution long before we needed it.
These are not new ideas. They used to be taken for granted. Pioneer Spirit was an essential part of our cultural DNA.
Yes, the planet could support 20 billion people, if we want to replace much of our meat with fish. We are still hunter gatherers on the oceans. Were we to do proper game management of the oceans, and some strategic fertilization of the barren areas of the seas, we could easily get our protein from the oceans.
But Real Americans would be an endangered culture.
OK, OK, yes we could increase the redneck fraction of our no 330M+ US by reversing Nixon's disastrous farm policies. The livable rural areas are semi-uninhabited because of the economies of scale afforded by gigantic farm machinery.
But keep ramping up the population and the entire country will be dominated by the Blue.
And when doing your calculations, do keep in mind that a large fraction of the planet's surface consists of mountains, arid regions, tundra, or boreal forest.
I made clear I am NOT advocating for people packing. I'm using the reality of the space involved to show HOW empty the planet is... In a space the size of California OR Texas, every single human on Earth could have a 2+ story house to themselves (and families that much larger). Even factoring in services/needs etc, and splitting that into more than one Zone, you could easily fit all of the people in a small fraction of this world. Spreading people is better... But most people have ZERO sense of how much space there is... They think it's all overcrowded and scant resource BECAUSE they were lied to, repeatedly.
It all comes down to resource usage habits, moral values (or lack thereof) and energy resources tapped into. The latter is the biggest contributor.
When wood and biomass were the chief fuel source some 200 years ago; people like Kelvin and his peers estimated a “carrying capacity” of 2 billion. However, this was blown away once Oil, Coal and Gas became Mainstream. That promise still exists today; but the harbinger would be Nuclear power.
For instance, if Nuclear fusion were to become as commonplace as convenience store gas stations; forget 10 billion: 3 trillion people would not be a problem for the planet.
Every human on Earth could stand shoulder to shoulder on an area of land the size of county Roscommon in Ireland.
But that's not really the point, we need x acres per person for food production, waste management per person, x acres per person of cobalt mining and the like
A quick reality check from Bard (Google's GPT equiv, I'm testing)
Vertical hydroponics farms can produce up to 100 times more food per square foot than traditional outdoor farms. This means that a vertical hydroponics farm with a footprint of 100 square feet could produce enough food to feed one person for a year.
So much for acres per person. I'm still a fan of meat herds, etc etc.. just pointing out that potentially just 100 square feet per person would do it. Meaning add a rooftop/skylight garden onto each of those Houses... and supplement with food grown elsewhere in the vastly empty world.
All of that was discussed, are you intentionally ignoring it?
And we were not discussing people packed shoulder to shoulder but with a living space FAR larger than many live in today. 2000+ square ft PER person.and still the entire rest of the world would have room for food and energy production etc, natural resource acquisition, wildlife preservation etc.
Yep. People only believe THIS lie because most hunams (not an error. Inside Joke.) live in cities, so think that level of density is vaster in scale than it actually is. I've driven from one coast to the other in the U.S., it was hugely deserted for most of that trip, which got me thinking about the gargantuan amounts of space where these roads don't reach.
Something else to consider, is that Japan has roughly 1/3 the population of the U.S., yet is about the size of California. Somehow they aren't living in an overcrowded hellscape. Huh.
Japan is interesting case. For one, much of the archipelago is still fairly uninhabited. For another, the urban centers are remarkably easy to live in - little crime, no litter, everything runs very smoothly. The psychic quality of humans is a big factor in terms of the maximum population density.
I could quibble over some of these items. For example, before the home mortgage deduction and FHA, this country had an awful lot of people renting. Subsidized home ownership was seen as a means of fending off communism. And trust in government has been violently low in the past as well.
But on the whole I agree. And I dare say that this could well be the Big One on the way. We are experiencing a great Falling Away that is unprecedented in Christendom. Over my lifetime the US has gone from being an especially Christian first world nation to being a crusader for sodomy. And this business of banks and other providers cutting off businesses which don't kowtow to transexuals reminds me greatly of the Number of the Beast prophecy.
Humans have the technology to implement many of the dire events of Revelations. Nukes can provide the fire and brimstone. Recombinant DNA can provide the plagues. Robotic drones could be the prophesied "stinging insects." We don't have the tech to divert an asteroid to fulfill the Wormwood prophecy, but it's on the way. There's money in them thar asteroids, and SpaceX has been busy.
There is no Temple yet to desecrate, so we probably have a few decades.
And this could be a false alarm.
I am of the tentative opinion that humans have a bit of a say in the matter of when the dire events befall. See the last chapters of Deuteronomy or the Book of Jonah for precedents.
And so I attempt to fight back against forces that resemble the prophesied AntiChrist.
No doubt. Hell, I could quibble with some of the items too! But I have found if I quibble too much, I end up not writing anything, and it's better for me to just push the ideas out there in the world then ruminate upon my doubts.
This blog is really me thinking out loud, and sometimes I get it wrong or miss an important detail, like forgetting about the existence of Glubb's Fate of Empires last essay... But that's ok, then I just get to learn cool stuff when I read the comments.
I quibble because I cannot keep my inner gamma in check.
It is better to put forth a strong argument with flaws than a perfectly boring vacillation. Reality will provide us with the ineffable ordinariness of everything; we gather here to leaven it with the heady wine of Woe!
Based on this thread, I have been able to categorize my readers into several tribes based on their view of the future:
1. Hopespeakers. Things aren't going to get that bad.
2. Doomhopers. Things have to get worse before they can get better.
3. Doomsayers. Things will get worse... before they worsen even more.
4. Doomwakers. Things are already bad. Wake up sheeple, your prosperity is a lie!
I will not mention names. You know which tribe you are in. :-) Carry on with the woe, comrades.
As a shameless Doompornographer; I endorse this categorization schema! Well said good sir!
“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. They fit now.” ― Henry Ford
Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞
I am, in order: 4->3->2->3->2. The First 2 (Like the Cake) is a Lie.
The falsehood underlying all these categories is that there's nothing we can do to affect how the future turns out.
I have to strongly disagree there that there's a falsehood underlying all these categories.
Certainly some of my readers do think we're doomed regardless of our actions, and have told me so anytime I urged action or agenda items. But group #2 (Doomhopers) certainly does not think that: Group #2 definitely believes there's things we can do to affect how the future turns out.
I count myself as part of that group and have put my money where my mouth is, devoting my professional work to a campaign of counter-spoliation of pop culture. What makes we Doomhopers "doomish" is just that we don't expect enough other people to join the movement to make a difference until things get worse. Only then can they get better. (And note I said "can get better" not "will get better" -- I'm arguing for a possibility of human action, not an inevitability.)
I believe the point of contention is with regard to the *timing* aspect. At least that is how I read his reply.
Category-2 (i.e. the "Doomhopers") would not fit the bill since the Doom must transpire PRIOR to the situation getting better in their mind. So even they too are pessimists with regard to Human Action + Choices 'stopping the runaway train'.
Whereas OP is saying that the Doom need not OCCUR anyhow, so long as a given set of actions transpire. In that sense, the 'runaway train can be stopped' and (OP implies this) all of the four categories pursue falsehood in denying that.
OK. So I suppose I have to add a fifth category.
5. Doombeaters. Things won't necessarily get worse because we can make the future better.
Pretty much. The Doombeater/Hoperedeemer would basically concur; namely that Things can still be turned around and salvaged.
The Doompornographer/Hopedevourer meanwhile will just respond with "Abandon all Hope, Ye who enter here!"
Prickgressives, Libertardians, and Cuckservatives all want a theocracy with its own “epistemology,” from either London Jew Karl Marx or from Russian Jew Ayn Rand, both were progenitors of the godless open borders multiculturalism plaguing the West today.
They all believe the same thing... they all believe their weenies come from heaven and that this gives them some sanctified right to be a divine prick playing god over the lives of others.
Mammonism and Bolshevism are Jewish stepsisters.
“Morality” and any associated ideal is rooted entirely in a presupposition some higher power defines what is correct for human behavior. And since you are a moral, religious person, you are supposed to “spread the other cheek” and do what the psychiatrist, rabbi, priest, imam, or lama says.
People sometimes ask why it is that the European Left gets on so well with Muslims. Why does a movement that has often been overtly anti-religious take the side of a fierce religiosity that seems opposed to almost everything the Left has ever claimed to represent? Part of the explanation is that both Islam and Marxism have a common ideological root: Judaism.
“Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws. They either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race.” — François-Marie Voltaire
Both those things are compatible. Namely, you can have both being true simultaneously:
1) Human Action + Choices make a significant impact on how the future turns out.
2) The future is a Hobbesian, Posthuman, Vile Hellhole.
It all comes down to the Intentions and Motives behind our psyches which find expression (in part) through our Actions and Choices.
Eventually (when the latter two are iterated long enough) you still get the Hellhole; perhaps in a delayed fashion (with blips here and there of "Hope"), but that it does come about is almost "deterministic" given how Human Nature operates.
So you basically have the funnel of:
Human Actions + Choices change the Future -> Near Future is "less bad" than expected -> Human Motives + Intentions (behind Actions + Choices) find expression -> New set of Human Actions + Choices generated -> Far Future Posthuman Hobbesian Hellhole.
Feel free to go over Professor Bostrom’s works:
I am reminded in particular about this essay back in the day which helped me graduate from being a virgin doomsayer to becoming a chad doompornographer:
This paper in particular speaks about an oscillating sine wave (with regard to the overall human condition) and the possibility that it may stay stagnant (later writers built on the concept and considered the sine wave oscillating downward). These all are part of the “recurrent collapse” scenario him and his colleagues examined.
Mwuah! *chef’s kiss* Perfection!
Of course, being a Transhumanist; professor Bostrom does tend toward the “hopespeaking” camp… but that will not in anyway impede any aspiring doomsayer or doompornographer from utilizing his essays and writings to Maul the typical naive hopespeaker!
Seeking historical patterns is a bit like recording the cartwheels as one's car hurtles over a cliff. Yes, I suppose one can deduce meaning from each cartwheel but, at the end of the day, only two things matter:
(1) Why is my car hurtling over a cliff?
(2) What is going to happen when this fascinating flight is interrupted?
So as to America, rise and fall thereof, it is really much more simple. By 1970, with 10% of the world's population, the US was absorbing 80% of the world's resources. Yet 40% of the US population was living in poverty and 12% were suffering permanent severe brain damage due to malnutrition. This system was called The American Dream. This was happening for 3 reasons:
(1) By owning the media and publishers, the 1% elite controlled all thought and speech. This enabled them to create and exploit national belife systems, especially that:
(a) America is a democracy;
(b) God is American;
(c) America embraces equal opportunity;
(d) America only leaves its shores to protect "Freedom & Democracy";
(e) Foreign rebels are jealous of America's freedoms.
(2) By 2022, the US had invaded 60 sovereign nations since WWII and enslaved their residents.
(3) The elite, smouldering in megalomania, and terminal insularity and psychopathy, had decided to destroy everybody else.
The rest of world rebelled and started a new system. By 23 of March 2023 (today), the US and its prime allies, the G7, had a declining 30.7% global share of GDP whilst BRICS enjoyed 31.5%, destined to rise to 33% by years end with the addition of 3 new members.
The US-based mRNA democide, plus blowback against the Ukraine war and and failed sanctions against Russia, has set 40% of nations against the US.
By 2020, the American Empire was clearly dying but, as all monsters do, lashed blindly out in its death throes.
Reactions to recent outrages and wars, plus a century of armed aggression, has inspired a global curse on America. Its demise will accelorate.
More or less accurate.
I always tell the “hopespeaking” Yankee exceptionalists that it’s less a matter of Murica finally succumbing to its vices and evils in about 250 years, and more that the rest of the world finally (and it took a quarter of a millennia to do so) bringing the pirate and rogue Yankee to Heel once and for all.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to bomb everybody else's for the love of Jesus and Israel . . . The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the new official religion of the United States government . . .
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
More or less accurate.
The Dajjal will come from the Jews, so this is all just par for the course.
Satan is a Hebrew god.
> We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to bomb everybody else's for the love of Jesus and Israel
For someone who claims to be anti-communist, you sure do like socializing industries.
“Apple roared into the TV game with The Morning Show, a super drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China. You say you’re woke, but the companies you work for, it’s unbelievable—Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent.” — Ricky Gervais
“Communism all over the world, and not only in Russia, is Jewish.” — Henry Ford
“Do you want to know the cause of war? It is capitalism, greed, the dirty hunger for dollars. Take away the capitalist, and you will sweep war from the earth.” — Henry Ford
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire
You really aren't good at formulating coherent thoughts are you.
“I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made . . . But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.” — François-Marie Voltaire
Indeed. I don't have any real disagreements with your point of view.
I can't imagine we would have any fundamental disagreements on anything. I enjoy the shade of the tree of woe.
The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the new official religion of the United States government . . . We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to keep bombing someone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel . . .
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
God is definitely not an American. I sometimes wonder if Jesus' scathing comment,
(Matthew)"…21Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’…"
Was not said specifically (but not exclusively) to them that believe He is.
The American Israeli Political Action Committee has become the new official religion of the United States government . . . Satan is a Hebrew god.
We can't afford healthcare for American children because we have to keep bombing someone else's for the love of Jesus and Israel.
I don't know where you're getting your theology, but the Talmud condemns Jesus Christ to be put in a pot of boiling excrement. They aren't his fans.
Satan would fit the definition of 'god' Small 'G', but I suspect that's not what you meant.
The United States Government is run by Satanists who HATE the Ancient of Days. They refer to Jesus as 'Dull Care' and have a yearly ritual where they burn Him in Effigy.
The Nation-State of Israel is NOT the Hebrew nation of old, but they and the US use the ignorance of most American Christians for their own ends. Compounding the problem is that there are more 'Churchians' in America, led by New Age, Self-Help Gurus posing as pastors like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen.
The Abuse of something does not negate the truth of it.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle > > > Writes Nordic Pagan Soldier
Fight your own wars, you kikesucking Zionist ass-whore . . .
“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther
> Yet 40% of the US population was living in poverty
Poverty only relative the US's unprecedented prosperity.
> 12% were suffering permanent severe brain damage due to malnutrition
This is total BS. Frankly, we are the first civilization in history where the poor are suffering from obesity and not starvation.
> (c) America embraces equal opportunity;
True, there is the problem of Affirmative Action, but you strike me as the type who would support it.
> (2) By 2022, the US had invaded 60 sovereign nations since WWII and enslaved their residents.
What are you talking about? No one was enslaved.
Malnutrition and obesity can coexist, and they do.
Oh, I should add that in addition to God not being an American, the 1% of the 1% are not 'Americans', either. We are a Big Fat Sheep that is being sheared (with the proceeds being used to feed the next Big Sheep, China.) and the Elites do this job with glee.
“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.” ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Naughty Men can say true things, they can't be convincing liars if they don't.
“Control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it.” ― Henry Ford
“Now you know I’m going to be lambasted and called anti-Semitic… They’ll say he was up to his old canards; he said Jews control Hollywood. Well, they said it themselves! Jews control the media. They said it themselves!” — Louis Farrakhan
I... I don't get it. What are you trying to say? That a Secret Cabal of Men are doing Secret Things? Well THAT'S a Shocker! O.o
Jesus Called The Ball 2,000 years ago when he revealed that much (not all) of the Jewish Religious Leadership were, 'Sons of their Father, The Devil.' But THAT is the key, not being 'Jewish' per se. Many Jews are Servants of Satan, not all Servants of Satan are Jewish.
Last year I sent an email in to 'State of the Nation', because of an article they published (Which I linked in my earlier post.). What it says regarding Bohemian Grove is the closest we peons will ever get in terms of 'official' documentation about whom the 1% of the 1% serve. That is all that matters.
Володымыр Зеленский, израильский оперативник, скоро сбежит в дом своей матери в Израиле . . . В украинском парламенте полно еврейских аппаратчиков. Украина должна забыть о Крыме и НАТО. Власть на Украине в сговоре с олигархами, им никто не противостоит.
Ожесточенные марксисты ненавидят кавказцев . . . Еврейские банкиры заполнили Европу мусульманами, а Америку мусором из стран третьего мира . . . Евреи - нечистые демоны, как и турки . . . Гитлер был прав.
I had no idea that the interesting times proverb was fake, but then, of course it is. Apparently it originated with a forgotten American politician, who claimed to have heard it from a British diplomat friend.
Things are certainly bleak, and where they aren't bleak they're highly uncertain. I'm inclined to see the chaos we're living through as the birth pangs of whatever comes next ... which will hopefully be even more interesting. The universe is biased towards the creation of novelty, it seems to me. I can't see the 4.5 gigayears of biological development, increasing encephalization, and rising metabolic energy density culminating in a dead waste. Well, I CAN see that happening, but I don't think that's the plan. At least I hope not.
No man knows the future ... and in times like these, that might be the only ray of hope we really have.
I read about this before in a book.
The Bible.
In the scary parts...
With only a handful of nations able to feed themselves, none in Africa, a steady depletion of energy resources, and significant declines in IQ all over the West, there will be a great drop in population over the next 100 years...It will be a smaller world, but a much better one with neocon crazies no longer having the ability to wreck the place...Wildlife will rebound, and people will get back to spirituality...
People will certainly "get back to spirituality".... The type that involves summoning Djinn and Demons a la Mass ritualized genocides of whole communities.
People often forget: "Spirituality" is a value neutral term.
Cannibals who reside in the mangrove forests of Bengal are "very Spiritual" for instance. Especially when they eat fried Human brains.
What is it with you death cultists?
It's called the laws of Nature...not enough food means you die...
It's possible to produce more food. Also, we have the most obese population in history. Our problem isn't lack of food.
I am confused. Why is foreseeing the doom of the Whig-Atlantean Imperium cause for anything but hope?
What keeps me awake is not the prospect of a return to barbarism (that we should be so blessed!) but that the Empire of Lies shambles through the crisis more or less essentially intact. If we go back to looking at our Spengler, Roman style collapses are quite rare, in fact even Rome's case, only the Western half collapses in the way we think of the word 'collapse'. The Eastern half reforms and zombies on. Egypt, China, and India have each unified and 'collapsed' but not very hard into factions, and then re-unified multiple times over their long histories. Even if Atlantis 'falls' there is little guarantee that her successors won't be themselves Inhuman Whigs ruling us with chains of debt and finance and poison.
Short reply: the fall of any unipolar order (however demonic, evil, etc) has always (and the history books testify to this) brought about unbridled chaos.
More details: the fall of the Dajjalic West will usher in a Hobbesian posthuman epoch most likely (given the fact that any limited use of nukes will destroy world agriculture and food reserves intractably). And even if we somehow miraculously avoid nuclear war:
The future will be one where nerve stapled genetic slaves, cannibalism and necrophilia would still be common; since the collapse and devouring of the West (boxer rebellion style ) by the rest of the world will usher in an “all against all” fight for hegemony.
There is no such thing as a “multipolar “ world. That is a romantic farce. What actually exists (when we stop using euphemisms) is Great Power conflict (with nukes of course ) That is the future state of affairs.
Yes, but once the nukes are used up we will lack the resources, both in industry and brainpower to make more (dirty little secret, we've lost and had to reverse engineer the techniques for making the aerogels used in fusion physics packages once already). We will need a long medieval climb back up the eugenic ladder to recover our quality in breed.
Speaking in terms of realist diplomacy and statecraft, a concert of great powers is of course possible, and has in fact happened before, but this requires each of the great powers to be willing to refrain from pretensions to the ecumenical imperial throne. What this means in practice is that any particular concert has a lifespan, just as does any civilisation or nation.
Oh of course. And we will make up for said loss of technological prowess with increases in overall intensity in behaviour; especially when it comes to inflicting crimes.
You would be surprised how hard people can pull with their bare hands and fingernails (cracking them both) when they are starving. Brutally Quartering a grown man (alive and struggling of course) into multiple pieces with the fluids all still fresh is not only in the table, but will become a rite of passage soon given How quickly things are progressing.
If the hunger pangs are strong enough; breaking bones in your arms to rip apart someone’s thigh.. is child’s play!
The dying time will rather quickly give way to a new normal at lower population densities, those that survive will marvel at the beauty that arises from the deathlands.
Life finds a way.
Oh I agree.
There will be a beauty to the butchery; be it the children mauled and then hoisted up on pikes and then the meat being stored up or something else. Kind of akin to the “old world” (i.e the one we live in) where the nordics store all that fish and preserve it the way they do.
Life certainly “finds a way”. Especially the sort of way that breaks people in mind, body and soul.
I get the dour doomspeaker larp, but it does get old. Anthropophagy will of course happen in extremis, but it doesn't make practical domestic-economy sense to raise humans as meat-stock, not unless all other possible herd animals are extinct. Nuclear war isn't actually that destructive, nuclear winter is just as much a scientific lie as global warming.
All of this has happened before and will happen again.
> What keeps me awake is not the prospect of a return to barbarism
If we witnessed an actual return to barbarism, you would be begging God for forgiveness for writing that.
If you want a preview of what barbarism would look like, visit downtown SF or the Cartel controlled parts of Mexico.
You're kidding right? Both of your examples are the poisonous fruit of the tree named Atlantis. This are the gifts of the 'civilisation' of the temple-bankers and zigguraut builders, of Baal and Ashtoreth.
So called 'barbarism' is merely the political-economy of the manor, the palace, of hearth and home, of reality, real production of real goods and tribal kith and kin and the pledge of troth and oath. So called 'civilisation' is nothing other Sodom and Gamorah. It was Cain who builded the first city.
You really have no idea how the world works do you? You see and suffer from civilization breaking down and reason that if civilization didn't exist, you wouldn't have to deal with it's break down.
The tendency to romanticize barbarianism is one of the hallmarks of a decadent civilization. People who regularly interact with barbarians never romanticize them.
Oh bullshit.
Go sell worshipping weakness to someone else.
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
Begone Nietzschean nihilist.
Oh yeah, though you didn't mention it, yet *another* 'looming catastrophe is the so-called, 'Water Shortage Crisis'. As with most of this Tripe of Terror list, it is a manufactured problem.
Back in 2001, I took my Dad out to Norfolk, Virginia, primarily so that we could tour the Iowa-Class Battleship, the U.S.S. Wisconsin (Which is where we are from.) My goal was to take him to visit all of them, but sadly he passed away before I could complete that quest.
Anyway, I learned that the ship could desalinate *100,000* Gallons of seawater PER DAY, to provide water for the steam engines & obviously drinking water for the nearly 3,000 crewmen. This got me thinking- If something like that could be done with late 1930's tech and as a Secondary function, at that, it should be child's play to build 'Water Derricks' at sea that could process Millions of gallons per day.
Which made it clear to me back then, that if the Gubbamint starts wailing about water shortages, they are doing it on purpose.
Look at your water bill. If a family of three uses 5000 gallons/month, then that ship could support 3 * 25 * 30 = 2250 people living on a modern middle class water ration. (My family uses more, but we are more wasteful than Californians, since water is abundant where I live.)
With conservation, recycling, or nuclear stills, we can provide for a lot of people, but there is a lifestyle cost.
Nuclear? Did you say NUCLEAR!? Why, YES I THINK I *WILL*-
Oh. Right. That's not what you meant. ^_~
Still Speaking Nuclearly though (heh), our paranoia about Nuclear *Power* is another sticking point for me. I mean, for Pete's sake, back in 1985 it was a foregone conclusion Nuclear Fusion power would be old hat by now (Hence the 'Mr. Fusion' that Doc Brown loads his DeLorean up with at the end of 'Back to the Future'.) yet per capita we are using less nuclear power than ever. Not even Fusion, crappy old Fission at that. :-P
I researched energy bigly back in high school, when it was the national debate topic. After reading article after article about how fusion was just around the corner, I am not surprised that it is still just around the corner. Placing superconducting magnets next to a heat source from running gas turbines is tricky. And there are other issues.
On the other hand, we use only a small fraction of the fissionables that we have already mined. Figure our how to breed U238 or thorium safely and we have enough power to last for centuries before needing fusion.
With proper regulation and a culture of competence, nuclear is safer than solar. Petr Beckmann wrote a book on the subject decades ago. Today, see B.F. Randall;s Mining Atoms Substack. https://bfrandall.substack.com/
You and I must be about the same age, as I also researched energy policy when I was on the debate team.
Fusion has been 20 years away from commercialization for the past 50 years, and will likely be that way for the next 50 years.
I own a copy of Beckmann's "Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear". Fun stuff.
Good man, citing infogalactic instead of Wikipedia!! 😁
IT's a great time to be 79. Not much to lose, great entertainment on the way out.
Younger people now have the chance to prove their mettle. Or not.
It is a tale told by an idiot.... etc.
If the materialists have their way:
Your brain will be cryogenically frozen so that centuries Down the line it can be nerve stapled back onto some automaton so that the posthuman later generations can “exact their revenge on those older generations responsible for this mess” (not really; it will be more like a spoilt brat’s temper tantrum and scapegoating ) such as yourself.
So don’t count yourself out yet good sir! Doom comes for everyone!
"The Fourth Turning is Here" (and update) is to be released on July 18, 2023.
I refuse to take this seriously. Will go read something more light-hearted, https://poemuseum.org/the-masque-of-the-red-death/
Brilliant writing. Thank you!
Has there been another Empire largely ruled by a foreign tribe that truly hates the heritage population and feels a moral obligation to hurt it and destroy their culture? Sure there have been conquered nations that were oppressed and exploited but we have something else going on here.
Most Americans still view the nation as sovereign. It really isn't.
When I read your list, what jumped out to me was that almost every item that is destroying the country was and is intentional but our greatest taboos are to criticize the tribe ruling us and to acknowledge their power.
Consequently we seem to be in uncharted waters and I can only assume the worst at least for the next century.
Well, allegedly Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn believed that the Soviet Union was such an empire. I have seen those quote attributed to him:
"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."
I do not know the source of the quote so it may not reflect his true beliefs. In any case, it certainly looks like the Bolsheviks hated the Russian people...
It's from his book 1,000 Years Together.
Ever read the account of those who murdered the royal family? Awful.
The quote comes from 200 years together, his last book and, not surprisingly, the only one not translated into English.
Good point. However, Stalin was one of the few not in the tribe and exorcized most of them from important positions in the party. The only way I can see that in America's case is if Indians and Chinese do a hostile takeover of the ruling class. They see whites as inferior but do not hate us. They simply use anti white hate when it benefits them because they know it works and is well received by the tribe and Good Whites.
'Stalin' wasn't his real name . . . Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili . . . Jughashvili means 'son of a Jew' in Yiddish . . .
The Dajjal will come from the Jews. Ergo; harvesting the white population is key. Be it mentally and spiritually via pornography, drugs, alcohol, etc or physically via wage slavehood, the employment rat race, etc: all is going according to plan. Their AI “god” ( a false one of course ) is imminent once the harvest is ripe.
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞
"Is it too many for our planet to sustain?"
The myth of overpopulation is easily debunked right now:
Take the total planetary population and estimate 1000 sq ft per person
That's roughly a space the size of Texas. It doesn't even account for multilevel structures (so if you include single person housing of 2-3 stories each, you could triple that space for each person, family housing would be double or more of that... Huge houses!)
See https://www.pop.org/episode-1-overpopulation-the-making-of-a-myth/
Not that'd I'd advocate for packing people THAT densely, but as a what if...
How much land for agriculture is left? The rest of the planet... AND Plenty of room for recreation spaces and natural venues, massive energy production zones whether they be nuclear, solar, wind, etc, etc.
The entire planet is still fairly empty of people. Even if you split that Texas sized space into 5-7 pieces and doubled and redoubled the land for each, the planet is not nearly full of people (and clearly has lots of resources). Even if you dislike cities and want more room, consider that thought experiment.
It's all propaganda and control... All the way down.
There are diseconomies of scale for transportation that need to be dealt with as you go up in city size. Wide freeways have more lane change action. And more drainage issues as well.
Garbage and sewage needs to be transported farther as a city spreads out.
Urban heat island effects grow.
Air pollution has farther to travel.
Food transport vehicles have more distance to travel to get to grocery stores.
Visit Mubai. Then tell me how the planet is underpopulated.
Again, you've missed the point.
Mumbai is because we dont deal rationally with this, we pretend it's a problem.
Mumbai is super crowded.
And India has been civilized far longer than Northern Europe.
And I never want to be a civilized as Japan. They pay a huge psychic toll for their clean streets.
The United States is what it is in significant part because it has a low population compared to it's carrying capacity. We are farther from the Malthusian Limit than most of the world. The Europeans who settled this land got doubly lucky/blessed:
We got a largely empty land thanks to natives dying off from our diseases and vices.
We got the benefit of the Industrial Revolution long before we needed it.
These are not new ideas. They used to be taken for granted. Pioneer Spirit was an essential part of our cultural DNA.
Read some Heinlein and Kornbluth.
I'm a huge Heinlein fan. I repeat myself: you missed my point entirely.
No, I read your point and dislike it.
Yes, the planet could support 20 billion people, if we want to replace much of our meat with fish. We are still hunter gatherers on the oceans. Were we to do proper game management of the oceans, and some strategic fertilization of the barren areas of the seas, we could easily get our protein from the oceans.
But Real Americans would be an endangered culture.
OK, OK, yes we could increase the redneck fraction of our no 330M+ US by reversing Nixon's disastrous farm policies. The livable rural areas are semi-uninhabited because of the economies of scale afforded by gigantic farm machinery.
But keep ramping up the population and the entire country will be dominated by the Blue.
And when doing your calculations, do keep in mind that a large fraction of the planet's surface consists of mountains, arid regions, tundra, or boreal forest.
Yes, high population densities can be made to work, but check out the correlation between population density and Blueness!
A man's 1000 square foot apartment is not his castle.
I made clear I am NOT advocating for people packing. I'm using the reality of the space involved to show HOW empty the planet is... In a space the size of California OR Texas, every single human on Earth could have a 2+ story house to themselves (and families that much larger). Even factoring in services/needs etc, and splitting that into more than one Zone, you could easily fit all of the people in a small fraction of this world. Spreading people is better... But most people have ZERO sense of how much space there is... They think it's all overcrowded and scant resource BECAUSE they were lied to, repeatedly.
It all comes down to resource usage habits, moral values (or lack thereof) and energy resources tapped into. The latter is the biggest contributor.
When wood and biomass were the chief fuel source some 200 years ago; people like Kelvin and his peers estimated a “carrying capacity” of 2 billion. However, this was blown away once Oil, Coal and Gas became Mainstream. That promise still exists today; but the harbinger would be Nuclear power.
For instance, if Nuclear fusion were to become as commonplace as convenience store gas stations; forget 10 billion: 3 trillion people would not be a problem for the planet.
Every human on Earth could stand shoulder to shoulder on an area of land the size of county Roscommon in Ireland.
But that's not really the point, we need x acres per person for food production, waste management per person, x acres per person of cobalt mining and the like
A quick reality check from Bard (Google's GPT equiv, I'm testing)
Vertical hydroponics farms can produce up to 100 times more food per square foot than traditional outdoor farms. This means that a vertical hydroponics farm with a footprint of 100 square feet could produce enough food to feed one person for a year.
So much for acres per person. I'm still a fan of meat herds, etc etc.. just pointing out that potentially just 100 square feet per person would do it. Meaning add a rooftop/skylight garden onto each of those Houses... and supplement with food grown elsewhere in the vastly empty world.
All of that was discussed, are you intentionally ignoring it?
And we were not discussing people packed shoulder to shoulder but with a living space FAR larger than many live in today. 2000+ square ft PER person.and still the entire rest of the world would have room for food and energy production etc, natural resource acquisition, wildlife preservation etc.
You have bought into a lie.
Yep. People only believe THIS lie because most hunams (not an error. Inside Joke.) live in cities, so think that level of density is vaster in scale than it actually is. I've driven from one coast to the other in the U.S., it was hugely deserted for most of that trip, which got me thinking about the gargantuan amounts of space where these roads don't reach.
Something else to consider, is that Japan has roughly 1/3 the population of the U.S., yet is about the size of California. Somehow they aren't living in an overcrowded hellscape. Huh.
Japan is interesting case. For one, much of the archipelago is still fairly uninhabited. For another, the urban centers are remarkably easy to live in - little crime, no litter, everything runs very smoothly. The psychic quality of humans is a big factor in terms of the maximum population density.
Japan has . . . little crime, no litter, everything runs very smoothly . . . because Japan is 98 percent Japanese . . .
Another factor is simply technological. Human carrying capacity is highly elastic compared to any other organism.