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Oh, I should add that in addition to God not being an American, the 1% of the 1% are not 'Americans', either. We are a Big Fat Sheep that is being sheared (with the proceeds being used to feed the next Big Sheep, China.) and the Elites do this job with glee.


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“It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.” ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

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Naughty Men can say true things, they can't be convincing liars if they don't.

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“Control of the Press by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it.” ― Henry Ford

“Now you know I’m going to be lambasted and called anti-Semitic… They’ll say he was up to his old canards; he said Jews control Hollywood. Well, they said it themselves! Jews control the media. They said it themselves!” — Louis Farrakhan

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I... I don't get it. What are you trying to say? That a Secret Cabal of Men are doing Secret Things? Well THAT'S a Shocker! O.o

Jesus Called The Ball 2,000 years ago when he revealed that much (not all) of the Jewish Religious Leadership were, 'Sons of their Father, The Devil.' But THAT is the key, not being 'Jewish' per se. Many Jews are Servants of Satan, not all Servants of Satan are Jewish.

Last year I sent an email in to 'State of the Nation', because of an article they published (Which I linked in my earlier post.). What it says regarding Bohemian Grove is the closest we peons will ever get in terms of 'official' documentation about whom the 1% of the 1% serve. That is all that matters.

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Володымыр Зеленский, израильский оперативник, скоро сбежит в дом своей матери в Израиле . . . В украинском парламенте полно еврейских аппаратчиков. Украина должна забыть о Крыме и НАТО. Власть на Украине в сговоре с олигархами, им никто не противостоит.

Ожесточенные марксисты ненавидят кавказцев . . . Еврейские банкиры заполнили Европу мусульманами, а Америку мусором из стран третьего мира . . . Евреи - нечистые демоны, как и турки . . . Гитлер был прав.

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