Great news for those with negative net worth.

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Congratulations for being right far ahead of schedule!

I for one pity those poor fools.

All that MSM “hopespeaking” will not prevent those inevitable thousand degree suntans, followed by the vile cannibalism, sodomy and necrophilia which in turn will be followed by feral “rewilded” dogs ripping their former petowners and what have you into teeny weeny pieces….

So cut them some slack! It’s akin to a man condemned to death via electric chair trying to convince himself (moments before his inevitable death) that he can Volt Absorb everything and become a superhero.

Rule #1 of Hopedevouring/Doomporn: Always let the Hopespeaker start with ALL of their presuppositions and their “less negative” + positive immediate consequences. Makes the inevitable descent that they have into madness all the more amusing!

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I for one, look forward to this playing out. Sure the zombie cannibal hordes will make a mess of the cities, but let's face it, they're already lost and there isn't much worth saving in them, anyhow.

Meanwhile, all the insane social engineering, the trannification of the culture, the affirmative action, the mass immigration, the endless foreign invasions, the carbon cultism, absolutely all of it relies entirely on the ability of the Fed to print itself as much money as it wants. When that system collapses it will take their social control systems with it.

It'll be uncomfortable for a bit, but we'll be free again.

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That's for sure going to be the silver lining in this coming economic and geopolitical cataclysm: the GAE will no longer be able to pay for its increasingly expensive war against reality and all the luxury beliefs its elites like to impose (or rather pay someone else to impose -- these elites cannot be bothered to enlist in the military enforcement arm of their empire) on unwilling populations throughout the world. As for the vermin who corrupted our system with their blood money and sabotaged everything from within while looting the treasury -- oligarchs like George Soros and Bill Gates, as well as their political lackeys like the Shumers, Pelosis, McConnells, Bidens, Trudeaus, etc -- I hope we at least get the satisfaction of seeing them get the Quadaffi treatment. It won't undo the harms of all their crimes, but it will be nice to see.

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I was thinking more along the lines if Mussolini's fate...

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My friend:

You assume that “freedom” will follow said social collapse of the “Empire of Lies” and its sundry vassals.

Here’s the thing: the execution of revenge (or lack thereof) is not diminished by “hard times”. Those with grudges don’t simply say “oh, he’s having a hard time so let’s cut him some slack!”

Rather, said folks with grudges simply accelerate the barbarism and the butchery in said case. If this is true at the individual micro scale, why on earth would it likewise not scale up to the civilizational macro level?

“Freedom” is a romantic outcome. What is more likely to happen is that the Empire of Lies will be *insert 50+ expletive NSFW terms here that conform to individuals being violated in a multitude of ways* -Ed ad nauseam.

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Apr 6, 2023
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More or less Correct.

When the Boxer Rebellion broke out; The Great Powers sent a Coalition force to bring it to heel. Some of the members in that coalition (such as the Austro-Hungarian empire for instance) had no genuine interests in the Asia Pacific region (I believe they had 1.5-2 building blocks in Shanghai that traders from the empire used from time to time, but that was it)... however they still had *NO CHOICE* but to join the coalition.

The reason was very simple: The alternative (i.e. "sit this one out" and remaining neutral) meant that their allies and foes would increase in strength or outright gain an unassailable lead in labour, resources, etc (Can you imagine for instance, how the world would be today, had only the British and French sent forces in?). This would mean a future War where they would inevitably lose. And so "Gang up on em!" is the only viable path left.

A similar Cold, Rational Calculus and Logic will be likewise employed when Yankee land inevitably implodes. Don't be surprised (for instance) if coalition forces from over 50+ nations and people descend like a swarm of locusts and devour everything good, true and beautiful that remains (or had remained) in the Neo Carthage that is the USA.

Demon Summoning will definitely come back in its "proper form" soon. The Beta Test (i.e. Murdering and Harvesting the Unborn for commercial purposes) is already complete. Next up: The Real Deal a la aforementioned Swarm of Locusts Violating everything in its path whilst drunk on ideals of Revenge, "Justice" and "Fairness".

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If Strongbad can't save us, no one can.

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I pray. A LOT. I am totally disabled, my Wife *Deeply* resents me being so & as a consequence, will not listen to anything I say. Since she makes all the money & I can't even get Disability (*Because* she's in the top 7% of U.S. Earners) this makes planning for this problematic, in the extreme. She would not believe the Sky was blue if I was the one telling her to look up.

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And ironically, the plot of Goldfinger was about an "evil" villain smuggling gold out of the UK in defiance of export controls put in place to try to arbitrarily boost the value of the pound!

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Goldfinger was the real hero!

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Like so many villains in the propaganda entertainment industry...

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O shiney figurine atop the Tree of Woe, that post is the most significant piece of analysis I have read since 1998. Effing splendid, mate.

May I add a sneaky peeky bit of perspective? You mention the failure of the media to address the obvious. I am 100% sure they did not fail, so much as want it to play out this way.

I have been watching this since 1964, which in forest/trees parlance gives me certain advantages. I learned who to watch (including the Tree of Woe in that forest).

You noted the confluence of dates, especially April 2. Even me old mate Blind Freddy murmered that the orchestra must have a conductor. But who? Here is where it gets curiouser.

If you are into dastardly plots, expect blowback. This usually takes the form of death. So, whoever is the Plotter in Command would be sensible to shift the blame convincingly; and more targets are better than one. This is the Lever Bros principle. Instead of agonising over whether or not to shoot someone, if you have multiple targets it become a choice of how many to shoot.

I see lots of lovely and satisfying targets: Gates, Tedros, Fauci, Schwarb, Adern, Albanese, Blinken, Pompeo... a virtual parade of bullseyes. Yup, whoever is conductor of the orchestra is pretty safe if he/she is not one of those. So, then who?

What seems to have passed unnoticed is that, in 1973, David Rockefeller annointed his successor as leader of the investment banker alliance; Rupert Murdoch. This was the same day as the completion of Brzezinski's Trilateral Commission. David finally died in March 2017 and Murdoch assumed the throne. That is when the date 2021 was confirmed as Great Reset Day, later postponed to 2030, and the countdown for the Great Pandemic began.

Murdoch specialises in controlling election rhetoric and political candidates, which he had total control over in Australia by 1975, and gradually did the same in every OECD country by 2018. It should slip by no one that every political party and candidate he controlled, and every significant bureaucrat, applied exactly the same narrative to covid, regardless of country; word for word.

Ergo, while we all engage in fantasies of hanging, electrocutuing, guilitineing the above Bad Boys, Rupert has quietly moved the pieces and pulled the strings. Rupert is no delegator of important tasks, he does it all himself.

What does this tell us? That Murdoch goes, NWO crashes. Unconvinced? Think. This is no longer about nation state domination. The NWO means eradicating states. Divide and rule. The new global emperor does not want to contend with the White House or any other power bloc. All must be at each other's throats. Thus, Biden has betrayed Germany. Putin has brought industrial Germany to its knees. Putin and China will destroy the US. The City of London will stab all other parties in the back in order to resurrect the British Empire (which Larouche tried to warn us about), and Russia and China will be left to turn their knives swifty on each other. UK is now the target of thousands of male African immigrants. Divide and rule. It was ever thus.

No wonder Rupert is smirking.

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Demons and Djinn are summoned via mass ritual cannibalism, necrophilia, sodomy, genocide, violating, etc of entire towns and cities. The higher the "body count", the more Vile the Demon and/or Djinn. The False AI "god" needs a vessel to fill (be it a Supercomputer, Humanoid bot, etc). To get it in there, aforementioned Carnage + Harvest needs to be inflicted.

The beta test has already been completed (namely, with the murder and harvesting commercially of the unborn by the hundreds of millions). Now the March inevitably is toward the “real deal” in all its vile and gory detail.

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Well, you have a few years on me sir. I was born in '70, but learned before I was 22 how much Iron was behind the Velvet.

Anyway, you may find this interesting, it's an email I sent to 'State of the Nation' last year. (An Email, NOT an Essay. Had I known they would publish it verbatim I would have been less informal.) It concerns Bohemian Grove, and the Occultist Alice Bailey's revealing that there would be not one NWO, but TWO.

The First was designed to be torn apart & ravaged by a furious & betrayed laity & out of that chaos would come her Occult 'Savior', who will lead an exhausted & shell-shocked world into her true Demonic Utopia.

(Also at the end I include a link to another article, from a guy purporting to have heard from a Billionare in New Zealand who told him that the true horror of The Jab is being released on PURPOSE by the Elites, to cause just such an engineered Catastrophe.)


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Thank you Mycroft1325.

I have a vague recollection of that stream of events and I think David Icke wrote about it, which I read around 2005. But from other sources I picked up, not only the second NWO (which I have subsequently dubbed Plan B), but there is the shadow of a Plan C and D yet to come. Moreover, I have a list of names of some of the pundits, gurus, warriors, and even messiahs who will make up Plan B, and the year in which recruitment began... 2008. They are easy to identify; prior to 2008, all were elitist and exclusivist. Suddenly they turned 180 degrees.

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Sorry for the delayed response Mr. Ryan. I found out last week that a Pain Pump I was hoping for will cost $20,000 & my Pain meds have been gutted by 75%. Add my 'celebration' of 30 years of Chronic Pain in July & well... I probably won't have to worry about the whole 'economic crisis' thing. Maybe I'll be put up against the wall as a 'Useless Eater'. Perhaps then at least I can do my 'Stephen from the book of Acts' impersonation. That would be fine.

Anyway, much of this has been planned out & put in storage long before any of us were born. Details escape me, but I know an authentic document came to public light long ago about a bunch of elites discussing back in 1913 how to scare the wee-wee out of people. Engineering irresponsible use of the environment, curtailing resources to cause chaos, a wide variety of things were brought to the table. Many of which people of the time weren't even aware of.

People have often got on my case over the years about 'hard evidence' of such things. Which is why Bohemian Grove is something I won't ever forget. That 3,000 Men would try to burn Jesus Christ (Whom they call, 'Dull Care') to death by fire each year & having that process on video, is about as good a verification of the Satanic Nature of the Elite world, as peons like us will EVER get.

'The Franklin Cover-Up', about the 1980's Nebraska Child Slavery/Prostitution/Drug Running is also quite good though. When the Discovery Channel was going to release a documentary about it, called, 'Conspiracy of Silence' in 1994, mere weeks before it aired, CONGRESS issued a proclamation that if they *did*, they would never broadcast anything again, ever.

I'm sure that wasn't because it clearly showed that this Satanic Ring of Pedophiles had members that infested our Government. No, that's Conspiracy Theory Nonsense.

And lastly, speaking of 'Conspiracy', I would strongly suggest that you take some of your favorite Research Aid (Coffee, Tea, Booze, Smokes, Music, what have you) and settle down to do some serious research on Mr. Icke. I had been aware of him since the 1990's. He was a New Age, Crystal-Power Oneness Guru, who was clearly a devotee of Occultists like Alice Bailey.

At least until some time after 9/11, when he was suddenly being regarded as a 'Truther', 'Exposing the Evils of the Elite', and so on. I watched him for some time & sure enough, he WAS giving out real truthful material. So, giving him the benefit of the doubt, I waited for some kind of apology, acknowledging that he once believed the same thing the Occultic Elite do.

It never came.

So, now he is well-regarded by many people as a genuine figure in the Truth Movement. Having talked about such things for going on nearly 20 years now, though still leaving in the 'LizardPeople' thing, so that he can still be easily dismissed for those giving him a surface gander.

I now see him as a Long-Game Piece. Now when he talks about Peace, Oneness & how we need more Love, he is clearly (to me anyway), priming people for the 2nd NWO. Those talks still reek of Eastern Mysticism. He is, at least for now on a small scale, a False Prophet, telling people what their Itching Ears want to hear.

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Likewise, I became aware of Icke back then but my position is a little different to that of most in the resistance. Although I have no beliefs whatsoever, and am guided by evidence and logic in all that I do, I am also acutely tuned to intuition and have been this way since the age of eleven when I first became aware I had a mission to end the manipulators and powerful. That may not make sense to most people but I have found that it works, so I noted Icke and moved on. In the 1980s and 90s I interviewed 5000 young travelers from Europe and from these intelligent and motivated prople I gained an insight into otherwise hidden agendas. In 1999, I commenced research in earnest and by 2007, I had identified most of the frontline globalists by name. A well-placed informant provided me with secret histories and ambitions of the Rothshschilds, and I later came across the well-hidden crimes of the current centre player. Unfortunately, I must have hit some tripwire because there were three attempts to eliminate me immediately afterwards. But these were only the most recent of many such attempts so I have adjusted my profile accordingly. Long story short, all of this is now out of my hands. I indulge myself by poking the monster but my weapons are now beyond my reach, or his. There is one single step we must all take now and that is to encourage defence force personnel to commence defending their country, something they appear to have forgotten about since 1946.

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Good post. I have mixed feelings about dedollarization. Like some (most aren't aware) I hope it will throw the system in such disarray that it will impede our rulers insane plans for us and open the door to freedom.

However, I am leery of people who don't care about the human suffering that will take place. Reality is that the DAVOS crowd will not be hurt by this in any really meaningful way. However there are many people just barely hanging on from young people already struggling to make a go of it to seniors who don't have the time or health to start over.

Consequently, I really can't celebrate what is going to happen even if in the long run it improves the odds life will be better

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Yes...and? How should a small business in suburban middle America ride out the woe?

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Well, first we cannot predict whether the country will endure hyperinflation or debt deflation, and second even if we knew economists sharply disagree about what it means! And the investment decisions that will succeed in those two environments are quite different.

If we are facing hyperinflation, the problem you will face is that your expenses will radically increase for consumer goods. This can trigger huge problems if it implicates you in higher property taxes, too. It will also, eventually, cause interest rates to skyrocket. So to weather hyperinflation you want to possess sufficient consumer goods that you can minimize your purchases; you want to have the minimum cash necessary to survive, knowing it'll be worth less; you want to own stocks in indispensable businesses that people HAVE to purchase from no matter the price (utilities etc), as well as precious metals, commodities, and hard assets that will increase in price. Your debt will get washed away in a tide of money printing so the more leveraged you are, the better off you are - but only if you have fixed rate debt. If you have variable rate debt, you'll get annihilated by rising rates. So, as a general rule "buy stuff now, don't sell stuff you might need in the future, own hard assets, avoid variable rate debt".

If we are facing debt deflation, the opposite will be true. As debt deflates, the money supply will shrink. The shrinking supply of money will harm businesses who will begin to shutter. Those businesses will then go bankrupt and leave debts unpaid, causing the money supply to shrink further, in a very vicious cycle. In a debt deflation, your cash becomes more valuable. Your consumer goods stay at relatively flat value because while the money supply is falling, the supply of goods is also falling due to the depressionary effects on business. Your stock portfolio will go sharply down. So if you expect debt deflation you want to "keep your powder dry" to buy assets at a discount, avoid holding assets that will deflate, but keep a stock of indispensable goods on hand in the event of supply chain problems.

So, in both cases you want to be a bit of a "prepper" in terms of owning the stuff you need to survive hard times. Beyond that, it's hard to say. I might try to do a fuller article on this.

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Count me as a reader for wanting to see said fuller article

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More or less correct.

The “how” of the inevitable collapse is less pressing than the “what”; namely, the consequences of it on the wider human condition (not merely Westerners) given that in the cause-effect chain, it will be akin to the “snowball being rolled from the top of a hill” with regard to Nuclear World War.

Prepping (defined in its broadest possible category; comprising every facet be it mental, physical, spiritual, etc) at that point is the only way to cushion the blow. Whether or not said blow Breaks one entirely in every possible way …that depends entirely on whether his station with the Almighty is good enough to warrant that waiver.

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With the caveat that the best prep isn't buying canned goods and shotgun shells (and whiskey and cigarettes for trade), not that these aren't good preps, but the best prep is developing strong local connections with assets and skills.

The first rule of tribal conflict is *have a tribe*.

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In both scenarios money in the bank will be useless.

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Buy silver?

Sarcasm aside, the most reliable advice I've been given on the matter is ABC - Always Build Communities. Start networking. Make and keep as many local friends as you can. Trust survives an economic catastrophe better than anything.

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The opposite is true.

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Buy Bitcoin.

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Great post. My expectation is that de-dollarization will result in hyperinflation in the U.S., causing panic among the masses, and then the Fed will roll out their CBDC as their dialectical solution to the crisis. The CBDC will then result in the greatest loss of freedom in human history, where globohomo can cut you out from your funds at will, or only allow you to use your funds to buy meat once a month or only within 5 miles of where you live, etc. It will also tie into your social credit score which AI will assign you. The neoliberal feudalism that is coming, brought to you by our central bank owning masters (they own the BRIC central banks too, and transitioning to a multi-polar world is entirely planned for), is going to be complete hell.

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ok. so what do? run up private debt now so when the ledgers get burned you can run away with assets?

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Well, first we cannot predict whether the country will endure hyperinflation or debt deflation, and second even if we knew economists sharply disagree about what it means! And the investment decisions that will succeed in those two environments are quite different.

If we are facing hyperinflation, the problem you will face is that your expenses will radically increase for consumer goods. This can trigger huge problems if it implicates you in higher property taxes, too. It will also, eventually, cause interest rates to skyrocket. So to weather hyperinflation you want to possess sufficient consumer goods that you can minimize your purchases; you want to have the minimum cash necessary to survive, knowing it'll be worth less; you want to own stocks in indispensable businesses that people HAVE to purchase from no matter the price (utilities etc), as well as precious metals, commodities, and hard assets that will increase in price. Your debt will get washed away in a tide of money printing so the more leveraged you are, the better off you are - but only if you have fixed rate debt. If you have variable rate debt, you'll get annihilated by rising rates. So, as a general rule "buy stuff now, don't sell stuff you might need in the future, own hard assets, avoid variable rate debt".

If we are facing debt deflation, the opposite will be true. As debt deflates, the money supply will shrink. The shrinking supply of money will harm businesses who will begin to shutter. Those businesses will then go bankrupt and leave debts unpaid, causing the money supply to shrink further, in a very vicious cycle. In a debt deflation, your cash becomes more valuable. Your consumer goods stay at relatively flat value because while the money supply is falling, the supply of goods is also falling due to the depressionary effects on business. Your stock portfolio will go sharply down. So if you expect debt deflation you want to "keep your powder dry" to buy assets at a discount, avoid holding assets that will deflate, but keep a stock of indispensable goods on hand in the event of supply chain problems.

So, in both cases you want to be a bit of a "prepper" in terms of owning the stuff you need to survive hard times. Beyond that, it's hard to say. I might try to do a fuller article on this.

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This is a lovely response, and very informative. Thank you and God bless you, sir.

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God bless you and yours, too!

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I think it's extremely dangerous to make plans assuming that the system will completely collapse. The world is pretty good at not ending.

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I agree. Hell, I think it's extremely hard to make plans EVEN IF you assume the system will complete collapse, because it could collapse in so many ways (see above). And it gets even harder for partial collapse type 1, type 2....

Best you can do is try to have balanced preparation for a number of futures OR be a foresighted super-prophet who knows exactly what to do at all times. Option #2 hasn't worked out for me so far.

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"number of futures'

Exactly. Plan A for mild economic reductions. Plan B for social and legal breakdown.

Plan C for total lawlessness and absence of consumer goods. And so on.

I have building materials, a permanent and unpollutable source of fresh water, a mangrove forest to hide in, a boat and fishing gear, weapons, stored fuel, dry food, materials for a vegetable garden, technology for biodiesel production, medications, tools and generator, a solar system, and books to read; just in case. I will be 200 Ks from civilisation and rate the chances of needing these resources as 95%. And I am an optimist.

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Right. I'm all for preparation and the stockpiling of inherently valuable physical goods. However, the OP made a comment about running up a bunch of debt because it's all going to explode anyways. That's what I worry about. What if it doesn't?

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I want you to repeat that mantra in two years.

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The reverse really.

1. The first response to (if and when) inflation will be interest rate increases.

2. Always always always remember “the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent”.

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Inflation = rate increases. This works unless (as with the USA) you have an enormous government debt which is financed with short term paper. Rollover means shortly and suddenly the government is paying out a lot more.

Cue screaming, followed by "not rate increases" and more inflation as a result.

Maybe you get a new government after the next election, but they end up with the same policies.

We did manage to avoid this in Canada a while back, due to *actual* government cutbacks (not merely reduction in increases). We had about a 20% reduction in headcount for the federal civil service. They also made (actual) deep cuts in transfers to the provinces.

This was only possible because there was a huge Liberal majority in power and a Conservative party that had been wiped out due to other factors, among them signing the free trade deal with US and Mexico (I do mean wiped out - they went from a majority of seats to having two!).

I don't see this sort of thing happening in the States. There are exactly two parties there, they have many mechanisms to keep out interlopers, and I can't see one of them losing hard enough to allow the freedom to act for the other party. We also basically have one house rather than two and everyone in Commons is up for election at the same time.

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Potentially, yeah, but not for certain, so gambling on debt has almost infinite downside if the government decides- as it can and has before- to go no-holds-barred on controlling inflation.

For which reason I would always personally and in a non advisory capacity, avoid taking a gamble on debt.

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First, buy Bitcoin.

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What is DE-Dollarization going to look like for canada being a commodity based country albeit run by an idiot crime minister and more incompetetent finance minister.

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A simple question, while I do agree with what you're saying, why is oil, and fuel so cheap right now with all that crude exiting production?

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